
Dr James (Yogadhi) Weldon
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  • Longmont, CO
  • United States
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Dr James (Yogadhi) Weldon's Friends

  • Andrew

Dr James (Yogadhi) Weldon's Page

Profile Information

About Me/Us:
Dr. James Weldon – also known as Rishi Yogadhi in India and in spiritual circles, is a visionary, health educator, author, teacher and inventor. From the age of four he had unusual spiritual experiences of the past and the future and was sometimes found even at that early age innocently absorbed quietly in meditation. These experiences as they became stronger along with the deep empathy he felt with others led to a turbulent youth.

At the age of twenty-one he formally discovered meditation. Inspired by the illuminating experiences that came, subsequently he taught this meditation and other health and advanced personal development techniques to many thousands of individuals in the United States and other countries around the world. During this time he was a founder of two spiritual communities and retreat centers and a chain of holistic health clinics.

He continued this search into The Enlightened Mind for 36 years under the personal guidance of three spiritual giants of our age whose teaching have personally benefited the lives of tens of millions of individuals. Ultimately this culminated in an insight into the Oneness of all life that could not be denied.

With the blessings and encouragement of these teachers he then began the Santosha Foundation to offer programs to share the insights that came and to support the many thousands of individuals who he believes are destined to live the Enlightened Mind during this unparalleled time of Spiritual growth in human history.

Dr. Weldon is a Naturopathic Physician. He holds technology patents in 30 countries and is the author of three books and 2 DVD’s and a Colorado TV series on Health and Spirituality. He was the founder of his first spiritual community and conference and retreat center in Florida in 1976. He also was a pioneer in the first western scientific studies on the physiology of Mediation at MERU in Switzerland and was also in the first undergraduate and graduate degree program at MIU in Fairfield Iowa. Presently Dr Weldon lives in Boulder Colorado where he practices age management medicine and is launching in the spring of 2009 Santosha Village an 80 acre eco-village community conference and retreat center.
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At 7:47pm on October 15, 2009, Yaron Fishman said…

‎"Why should there be hunger and deprivation in any land, in any city, at any table, when man has the resources and the scientific know-how to provide all mankind with the basic necessities of life?"
~Martin Luther King, Jr.



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