"Why should there be hunger and deprivation in any land, in any city, at any table, when man has the resources and the scientific know-how to provide all mankind with the basic necessities of life?"
~Martin Luther King, Jr.
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MyHotComments Wishing you A Happy, Happy Holiday.. and a Wonderful Year of Illumination..
Thank you for all the Inspiration..
Happy New Year!
from Rennie
Glad to add you as a friend. If you are ever down this way look me up.
True sound and music will liberate so much ..
Many same heroes you have as I do too..
Yes when I found centerpoint (and holosync way back)and the freequenzies ..
that heal..
and peacemusic.I was just so joyouss..it's an interresting world.
.my god how beuatiful lyrics and music people make!!
The media can be used to good! If we so choose..as seen..
And I love spiritual cinema circle..movies .
I wish you all the success to the hartofgold .biz and in anything you
will create.Blessings and greetings from Finland.
thank you for finding me & connecting with me.
nice to meet you !
also please, join me ART heART eARTh