
Shaundra Zee
  • Female
  • San Francisco, CA
  • United States Minor Outlying Islands
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Shaundra Zee's Friends

  • Rev. Daniel Thomas Smith
  • Yaron Fishman

Shaundra Zee's Page

Profile Information

About Me/Us:
I'm a super cute, feisty, fun-loving girly girl. However, I'm in a transition right now, a huge transition. I'm ending one journey, and beginning a new one. Life can be crazy and really strange, but I'm so excited about living that every experience turns into a beautiful lesson. I'm trying to change a lot of myself through expansion and enhancement. I noticed that I kept making the same repeated mistakes, and my lifestyle wasn't working for me. I looked back on things in my past and wondered how and why I kept coming around full circle, and how could my life transpire into such dramatic ups and downs? It was exhausting. Now I realize I created that mess for myself through my attitude and perception. I have embarked on a spiritual journey, and awakened my senses to allow me to live freely. It's truly been an amazing blessing. Life is simple really, if you let it be. I have been practicing the art of gratitude and living in abundance, and it has helped me find the beauty in all of life's adversity. I had my most profound "aha!" moment that has changed me forever for the better. I'm making a diligent effort and committing myself to being a better person overall to first and foremost ME, and truly be a valued friend to my loved ones. And to radiate love and kindness to all beings of life. If I live in peace, and remain centered and balanced, the universe will bring me all good things that I've always dreamed of. I lam open to meeting beings that are like-minded and of spiritual consciousness. People that are down with working hard and playing harder. I respect people that try to make a good, honest living. But, we also have to enjoy life while we live it, or else what's the point..right? It ain't all about the 9 to 5. Connecting with old friends, and possibly meeting a few new ones would be cool too. Good people only need apply.

Love and light....
Relationship Status:
In a Relationship
Zeitgiest, Clueless, Esoteric Agenda, Good Will Hunting, Cosmos, Chasing Amy, The Story of Stuff, Princess Diaries, 11th Hour, How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days, The Holiday, 2012: The Odyssey, Jersey Girl, End of Suburbia: Oil Depletion and the Collapse of the American Dream, A League of Their Own, Indiana Jones, Wedding Planner, Planet Earth, Blue Planet, Miss Congeniality, Mona Lisa Smile, Freedom Fuels, Lucas, Mulan, Long Kiss Goodnight, Joy Luck Club, Dragon (the Bruce Lee Story), The Notebook, Shawshank Redemption, Legend of Drunken Master, Rat Race, Lost Boys, Italian Job, Ace Ventura, Office Space, Count of Monte Cristo, Braveheart, Gladiator, Big Trouble in Little China, What the Bleep?, Pretty in Pink, Grumpier Old Men, Can't Buy Me Love, Romy & Michelle's High School Reunion, Sixteen Candles, Last Samurai, Spirited Away, Under the Tuscan Sun, White Chicks, You've Got Mail, Mongol and Dirty Dancing. I basically like comedies, true stories, documentaries and educational films, cartoons and anything pretty much from Disney or Pixar, chick flicks and action movies with a purpose. Although, I quickly am becoming totally uninterested in movies that dumb down the general public, so comedies and action today barely make my top choice of viewing picks unless it has a significant purpose.
Pretty much everything on television is just nonsense and basically bogus, including all commercials, news and sitcoms. There is really nothing on the tube that is truthful or factual, or even positively enriching for your psyche. Too much of any one thing can possibly corrupt you. It's knowing what and how to watch television in moderation. I have not had cable for awhile, and I am a happier and more peaceful person because of it. The media is a dangerous tool used to trick consumers and control the people, so the government can continue with the harmful agenda they have arranged. I've decided to filter and limit the amount of negativity, violence, horror and destruction for my health and well being.
I like EVERYTHING really, music is life and it heals the soul. It's magical nourishment for the spirit. I'm a hip hop junkie and a house head. My absolute favorite inspirational music is deep, soulful, funky, disco, dirty, jackin house. I'm also a dancing queen, so house music holds a special place in my heart (RIP Home Base..need I say more). I love this quote from Malachy, a pioneer in the SF nightlife scene: "When used with positive intention, Group energy has the potential to restore the plan of Love in Earth. When you open your heart and trust the whole group you dance with; when you feel love with everyone, and they return it, a higher vibration can be reached. This happens when a crowd is deep into the vibe of house." What an amazing thing to read, read it one more time...just to get the full understanding. I also listen to reggae & dance hall, breaks & and some drum n' bass/jungle, and 90's, 80's, 70's, 60's and 50's. I sometimes get in the mood for any kind of rock, top 40, or R&B and motown, soul, jazz and blues as well. I'm not really into country. However, I do enjoy listening to talk radio, KPFA 94.1 or Coast to Coast radio on 560AM.
Embracing Uncertainty, Four Agreements, Voluntary Simplicity, Waste and Want, Cradle to Cradle, Behold the Pale Horse, Natural Capitalism, Emerald Tablet, Full Catastrophe Living, Infinite Love is the Only Truth: Everything Else is an Illusion, Essential Spirituality, Nothing in this Book is True, But it's Exactly How Things Are, End the Struggle and Dance with Life, Fountain of Youth, The Dream Book, Osho Zen Tarot, The Secret, etc. etc...far too many to name them all. I love brain is a sponge. I like language, science, health, travel, arts, psychology, business, fashion, spiritual, metaphysical, finance, and history. Reading is the best way to find out who you really are inside. It has helped me in so many ways. I am such a different person because of it, and I highly recommend picking out a book that calls to you. If it crosses your path, there's a reason for it.
My Sifu: Vadim Rozengurt, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Viktor Frankl, Bruce Lee, Oprah Winfrey, Deepak Chopra, Albert Einstein, Confucius, Ghandi, Mother Teresa, John Muir, Susan Jeffers, Nikola Tesla, John Lennon, JFK, Jimi Hendrix, Bob Marley, teachers, students, enlightened ones, Buddha, Amma, Dalai Lama, Star Seeds, Star Kids, Indigo, Crystal and Rainbow children, etc. I find many people noble and good. People I know, and people I don't know. Everyone has a certain quality in them that makes them unique and special. But, I really admire my close friends and family for the strength and courage they demonstrate in their own lives everyday.

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At 4:38pm on October 16, 2009, Yaron Fishman said…
At 4:04am on July 18, 2009, said…


welcome peace Pictures, Images and Photos


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~Martin Luther King, Jr.



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