"Why should there be hunger and deprivation in any land, in any city, at any table, when man has the resources and the scientific know-how to provide all mankind with the basic necessities of life?"
~Martin Luther King, Jr.
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Welcome! I don't know if it's just the law of averages or statistics or what (Sarah being such a common name), but Sarah - or the Spanish variant, Sara - is the name of several of the very important people in my life.
I see that you have a 10-year-old daughter. Maybe she would (maybe YOU would) like to check out my web-site of (mostly) stories for children, Jimm's Fairy Tales.
I take traditional stories and turn them on their head. For example the Witch in Hansel And Gretel is the HERO of the story. I mean to give children the chance to hear and consider "the other person's side of the story". If we'd ALL learned to do that as we were growing up, maybe there wouldn't be any wars...
[By the way, the illustrator for most of those stories is one of my important Sarahs.]
I see that my friend peacenut has already asked you to join 2 of our mutual groups. Let me add another (where you'll find us both): The World March for Peace and Nonviolence. It sounds big-time (and it is) but it's going to be made up of "little people" all over the World, doing whatever we can to knit together a fabric for Peace.
Please add your energy to ours.
Give my regards to the gecko! I have a soft spot for these amazing creatures...
And to your daughter! I have a soft spot for these amazing people...
Peace and Love,
Only 16min as a member, and you've already got that extensive a profile!
You're full of energy!
(I agree with you about Rod Stewart. The best thing he ever did was "Reason To Believe". And that was WAAAAY back! I recently saw him on YouTube, singing Tom Waits' "Downtown Train" in concert. I had to stop it! You can't ruin a good song, because the song remains good, no matter how awful your version of it is. But he did the best he could to ruin it...) Anyway...
Welcome to MyPeace.tv!
Our numbers are growing every day.
But numbers aren’t all that’s important.
You might join up and think: “Well, now I’ve done enough for Peace…”
Or, "It's the least I could do for my children's future..."
Or you might join up because you want to be informed, be given ideas and inspiration.
But, you know, there is no information unless there’s somebody informing.
There are no ideas unless somebody thinks them.
There is no inspiration unless somebody (or something) inspires.
So I’d like to ask you, please, to be an ACTIVE member of MyPeace.tv
you've certainly got the energy...
To inform, to think (and SHARE your thoughts)… and to inspire.
This website would be NOTHING without the People who make it up.
So, what can YOU do, somebody who “doesn’t know the ropes”, the “new kid on the blog”???
Look around, read blogs and discussions and don’t be afraid of adding your own voice.
Your voice is important to us.
Go to the “Groups” page (hold your cursor for a moment over “People” in the line-up at the top of the page, until the list of 4 sub-options appears, then click on “Groups”), find one or more that appeal to you, look at their mini-descriptions, click on the names (or the pictures) of the ones that interest you and read their full group description there (window shopping is free…)
And then JOIN the ones that really appeal to you. (Join by clicking on the “Join [group’s name]” option at the bottom of the page, under the comments.)
You may join as many or as few groups as you wish… but there’s no point in being a “group collector” like a stamp collector, leaving your groups in some cyber drawer that is rarely – if ever – opened.
I – personally – would like to invite you to join two groups that are especially important to me:
♥ ♥ ♥ PEACE ♥ for ♥ Women ♥ ♥ ♥ (a group about women’s issues within the Peace Movement, but which is not limited to women members)
and – in case you understand Spanish – Sencillamente, Paz (a group for exchange of ideas, mutual support, whatever, in Spanish)
Whatever you decide, feel welcome...
Because you ARE!
Peace and Love,
peacenut (just NUTS for Peace!)