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  • Queens, NY
  • United States
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  • Electricbrave
  • Lily
  • Yaron Fishman

Rudy's Page

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About Me/Us:
1. As cliche as it may sound.. I truly do live in the moment. Every experience that occurs in my life, whether negative or positive I will always appreciate and internalize with equal weight -- There is positive in everything that occurs.. it is only through the negative experiences that we learn, and denying a worthwhile lesson is something only a fool indulges in. Thus, attaching oneself to the "poor me" mentality, and dwelling on the act of a specific negative experience will only consume us -- and in the end, destroy us. Find Positive in all -- and you begin to lose the emotional lust for the poisonous feeling we have labeled as regret -- the next thing you know.. you become unstoppable.

2. As Don Juan taught Carlos Castaneda in his lessons -- Follow the Path with Most Heart. It is something that I have recently started adapting in my life. I aim and strive to follow the path with most heart -- and by this, I mean that when one encounters a decision in their life, a fork in the road -- weigh and evaluate (notice i did not say rationalize) both paths.. and the one that the intuition points to, the one that "feels" right.. take it.. whether the consequences are good or bad... you have learned the lesson that your heart has been yearning to learn. This opens up ones heart and soul to then begin preparing for walking you and leading you to the path and life that you always dreamed of. Be impeccable.

3. Love and Compassion -- I strive and do my best to have love and compassion for everyone that crosses my path. It just may be that 10 years down the line.. that one person that you didnt or did show love and compassion to can make a decision based on your actions that can change your life. I personally choose to be safe than sorry. I then ask myself.. what is it that stops us from showing this to everyone? I challenge you to ask yourself the same thing..

For now, I will leave you with these 3 very broad but very personal points about myself.. you want to know more.. message me.. I am always open and accepting of everyone that so chooses to embark on a ride with me... and by ride.. i mean a ride of social exchange.. one can learn so much from conversing and associating with everyone.. what do you have to teach me?
Relationship Status:
What The @..$* Do We Know: Down the Rabbit Hole, Chasing Amy, Brokeback Mountain, The Matrix 1-3, Lord of the Rings 1-3, Latter Days, Akira, Chronicles of Riddick, Pitch Black, Aeon Flux, X-men 1-3, Spider-Man, Scary Movie 1-3, Donnie Darko, Gothika, Dune, Cube, Hypercube, Wat the Bleep do We Know I and II
ENTOURAGE (My Favorite), Avatar: The Last Airbender, X-men (Old School), Project Runway, Flavor of Love, I Love New York, Flavor of Love: Charmed School, HEREOS!!! Family Guy, American Dad, Futurama, Simpsons, Discovery Channel, The Riches
CELESTINE PROPHECY, DaVinci Code, Angels and Demons, Childhood's End, A Wrinkle in Time, The Matrix: Philosophy, The Giver, The Handmaid's Tale, Deception Point, Lord of the Ring 1-3, Galapagos, Ishmael, Dune, Carlos Casta?eda: 1. The Teachings of Don Juan, 2. A Seperate Reality, 3. Tales of Power, 4. The Power from Within, The Alchemist
Momma Deuce, Leandro Blanco Jr. (my bro), Daniel Sunjata, Noelia Espinal, Romina Wahnish, Mira Dicianna-Rowe, Naleli Morojele, Diana Noriega (My inspiration)

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At 5:07pm on October 14, 2009, Yaron Fishman said…
human peace sign

‎"Why should there be hunger and deprivation in any land, in any city, at any table, when man has the resources and the scientific know-how to provide all mankind with the basic necessities of life?"
~Martin Luther King, Jr.



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