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  • Peter J Quinones

Marie's Page

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About Me/Us:
"What is THE GAME exactly?". Well, it's a game that is truly life enriching and enhancing. It's a game of love and forgiveness, a game of communication and understanding, a game of PEACE, LOVE,LIGHT and so much more. We hope you will consider joining us as agents of peace by playing this game. This is how it works; Every wee I will post a game with a theme, statement, message or question. Your job after applying it to your own life, is to share the message, action or question with as many people as you possibly can and ask them to do the same. Taking the action yourself during the course of the week with every person you meet. No matter what the message - it will be a one that will inspire peace & love. And if we each practice it for that week, and spread that message to as many people as we can in as many places around the world as we are able, then we are creating true PEACE & LOVE in our Universe. Imagine people focused on a peaceful & loving message or action all around the world at the same time...that is how Peace is possible. So far this game is being played all around the USA, as well as in several countries around the world. Will you consider joining us in helping spread the message of PEACE! & LOVE !! The name "The Game" is: GAME: Gratitude Attitude Manifest Energy A grateful attitude manifest energy and peace in the universe. Every week I will post the new game here in my blog. All I ask is that you add The Game as your friend. Let your friends & family know as well. I would love to hear from those of you who are playing the Game. Let me know your stories, your experiences, and your messages of peace and love. The hope of those who created this game is that someday, after the Game has been played all over the earth, PEACE & LOVE will be the norm, the way of life for all Human Beings. Wouldn't that be amazing? The Game is traveling around the world one person at a time, one message at a time, one game at a time. All you have to do is start. Yours in Peace, Love and Light Always!!! Namaste, Marie May *** This page has been designed to promote The Game and only The Game. The Game was created by Cathy Avery & Ronnie Curran and passed on in it's new form to Marie May. We are not here to take a stand on any issue, political issue or affiliation, organization, or institution. All who wish to play The Game are welcome to join us. Thank you.
Relationship Status:
The Secret, What the Bleep, Conversations with God, Five People You Meet In Heaven, Pay It Forward, Crash, and other moves that honor, celebrate and inspire the human spirit
Shows that honor, celebrate and inspire the human spirit, such as:
Extreme Home Makeovers, Biggest Loser, Oprah
Rock, blues, r&b, some rock/pop but not commercial stuff, alternative, and some country. Also meditation music and songs that inspire peace, love & light!!
Living the Wisdom of the Tao, The Four Agreements, Course In Miracles, A New Earth, Return to Love, Conversations with God I & II, and so many more.....
My Mom...she was the most amazing, courageous, and faithfilled women I've ever known and I'm proud to be her daughter.
Dani, my partner. She was a volunteer at ground zero just after the WTC disasters on 9-11. She has also served as a volunteer emergency rescue with local fire department, and an emergency dispatcher. She's also sick from 9-11 today with a respiratory illness. No matter what, if someone is in trouble and in need, Dani is there....I admire her so much. I also love her more than life...that's why I'm grateful she's my wife.
Dr. Wayne Dyer, Marianne Williamson, and
Finally, Bill Wilson & Dr. Bob for creating AA, and Lois Wilson for creating Al Anon. I owe my life to them all!!!

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At 5:30pm on October 14, 2009, Yaron Fishman said…
human peace sign

‎"Why should there be hunger and deprivation in any land, in any city, at any table, when man has the resources and the scientific know-how to provide all mankind with the basic necessities of life?"
~Martin Luther King, Jr.



We Love Planet EarthPetition for more Positive News & Basic Needs for All


Woke Up Alive, Promises & Peace Pilgrim

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