"Why should there be hunger and deprivation in any land, in any city, at any table, when man has the resources and the scientific know-how to provide all mankind with the basic necessities of life?"
~Martin Luther King, Jr.
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Please email your Request for your Heavenly name to whitebuffalocalfwoman@gmail.com. There is a long waiting list and many are being patient for this gift. The more active you are within the voice of God, the Oneness, then the sooner you will get your gift. I know your heart as I am a Crystal person Elder and am called Twin Deer Mother, as my sacred directions in my garment of lights. You too have four sacred directions in your Garment of Lights. This too is a gift only a Crystal Elder can give to the world, because of their ability to separate light. I just happen to be one of many White Buffalo Calf Woman, who must be Crystal persons. Right now, it seems I am the One who can only interpret what they see. Training other Crystal persons are in the works, but we wait for whomever God wills. All others who claim such, only teach the ways. Can you find the doorway into their heart...do they invite you with an email address and a body of work? These are the questions you ask for truth...but still we must help all our brothers and sisters find their way homeward. This is your heart, indeed.
We are learning to walk with the body (earth-light) and with the soul (heaven-dark) now. Walking in the valley of the shadows takes a sacred dance only the pure of heart will know. We begin the Great Migration homeward to the Yellow rolling hill in time, Heaven and Earth (the promised land). Welcome home to the gathering at http://crystal-indigo-children.blogspot.com.
But for today, I will gift to you your song's prayer from your heart...our beloved sister Lonna.
Completely have I known your heart always runs away. But where do you go? I wonder and wonder each day don't you know, that love seems always so blind. Where are the shadows (reflection of the soul) of the valley (darkness) live? Where do the whipper willows (balls of lights) go? I have but one faith, and I say hooray, come sunshine (all light) and rainbows (all reflections) alive.
Where could I be but a whipper willows dream, that keeps me coming for mo.............re. So I tell you true, my heart really knows you. The blossoms always give rise within. But what would I do, if you were not you, then I'd be all alone. Instead give me your hand in brotherhood (bodies of light in the earthly realm: ACTION). Give me your hearts delight, my friend. Tell me the stories of ages ago, so I know that you are still alive.
My heart blossoms every time I see you. The sunshines down, from above. I give to you my heart and say I love you, just keep to the road, my friend, yes indeed. Keep to my heart, the color of Red (the law of love or do I choose hate, here the lesson is released), the law most every time. What would we do if love was not part of you, I'd cry and know you have a blue (sadness) in you. I know you are my blue (kinsmen) in you. I know you are my love too, yes indeed. My heart is always clear with desire, the life that always leads the way. But what I find each day, is not the only way, and I choose to look at the other door you see. I choose to look at the other doors. Here i know that all dreams are alive, the whispers of all time. The spider (grandmother who embraces our molecules, dark dream space) who weaves and knows all the leaves (stories), that grow in our hearts just to please indeed. It grows in our hearts just to please.
For we are the kindness of all Mankind, if we could only believe. But instead you look away, and my heart say only nay. What do I say, when you look the wrong way? I must give you my hand, and tell you my love, that true is with me, the way is always the Red. Here is what we must do for glee, we must give rise to our voice, don't you know? Cause here deep inside, the life that's a lie need truth to find opening doors you see. We need to find others doors. Here our heart join hand in hand, we bring the eternal ring. It happens to tell you, you live within me and we are not alone even in the end. It's you that I need, the blue (spirit of the lake, our beloved kinsmen) of me. We begin the cycle again, yes indeed. We start it all once again.
Sow your seeds my brothers sisters too, let our hearts join up in arms (join together). Defend no more you, and seek only the blue (Rainbow Clan of all the related). And wish upon wishing wells again. For I am with you, and you are me too, and here we come home once again you see. The Red Road is here don't you see, my friend. My love has no portal but to you, my love. So wash up (water blesses) your sleeves and keep all your leaves (stories) and know my heart always is in yours. Don't think I am here, when I am in there, just look inside and always will appear of me and thee and the rest of the leaves. We flow together in Mothers arms, we are cradled by her love. What can we do wrong when Mother does no harm, and gossip no longer appease? Here is the gossip that cease to exist and instead there are open arms. We fly in you, the place of the blue, the place where we all come to dream. So close your eyes darlings and let your heart flee, and know it's all for the ride. Ride the waves that are boundless, and hieght has no end, but we are so happy to dream. The place deep inside is always alive, just keep faith in always the dream, yes indeed. Keep faith in all of your dreams.
Sung by your devoted servant, white buffalo calf woman "twin deer mother" http://twindeermother.blogspot.com http://mypeace.tv/profile/whitebuffalocalfwoman