
“The Story of Rock and Wind” (A Lesson on “MISSED”-Understanding) Written by: Ron Brown Photo by: Keith Davenport

There once was a Rock steadfast and sure solid in every way. Massive in its size and intimidating to eyes that gazed upon it. Rock knew its desired purpose in life and firmly stood in his place for others to climb, enjoy the view from atop his experience and even gain inspiration from the body of his work.

Wind sees Rock and decides to move upon him. All day long Wind blew as hard as he could. Spinning a whirlwind of confusing inconsistent pressure against the face of Rock. Rock looking upon the huge tower of Wind intently determined to cause harm to Rock. Rock thinks “Why would Wind think that he can move me the great and powerful Rock any way?”

Rock trying as he might to understand the universal meaning why Wind wanted to destroy his life plan. He felt the power of the insurmountable pressure against his side. Specks and dust ripped away off of Rock’s surface by Wind’s unpredictable and illogical movement upon Rock’s steadfast form.
Rock try as he might to get Winds attention but to no avail, Wind kept moving along so quickly and was not able to hear or understand Rock. Wind moves back and even disappears for a time. Rock says to himself “What was that about? Did Wind as strong as he think he could move or harm me?” Days go by and Rock looked down and saw the crumbled pebbles of Rock’s frame which now lay below him. Rock starts to well up with anger and fear “How dare Wind cause me such pain for no good reason. I am damaged from the whirl of Wind he must be trying to destroy me!” Welling up with worry, Rock begins to consider how Wind could really cause cracks and even lead to a full collapse of his being even though all that was below him was only dust and small pebbles.
Days later, Wind returns and again spins relentlessly against Rock. Rock less sure than ever before closes his eyes hoping just to hold it together worries about falling to pieces by the superior power of Wind. Wind only saying things softly that Rock could not hear. Hours go by and Wind like before moves away. Rock waits days before daring to open his eyes to look at himself fearing the worst and sure enough he sees even more pebbles and gravel this time below him. The once sure solid mound now ponders his own mortality and shortened existence. Unsure of his future and the clearly defined life plan he always had before Wind showed up, Rock even starts to worry about the ever increasing number of climbers growing each day digging their gear into his body.
Rock feeling anxiety starts to consider that the reason the climbers were there was to enjoy him now before he crumbles to a pile of pieces soon. He thought to himself that perhaps one day these climbers can tell their children how they climbed Rock that once existed and saw the amazing view from the top as they show them the pile of debris left behind and how Rock had been defeated by Wind's attacks.
Then just as Rock feared, Wind comes back and starts to move upon Rock. Rock cries out, “Have mercy on me Wind, I bow to your superior ability, leave me some of my dignity please. You win.” Wind pulls back, and says “Rock, what did you say?” Rock says to Wind, “Please have mercy upon me oh powerful Wind don’t destroy me.” Wind shaking his head says, “Rock, you don’t understand. I am not here to destroy you. Have you not noticed that more people than ever have come to see you for the great Rock you are? Let me show you pictures of what I have been doing to you. Wind shows Rock photos of how he blew away the tattered edges, brought to surface the truly beautiful colors just barley below his rough surface and how now they are clearly visible. Wind showed Rock how he then left a natural glimmer from the polishing effect that his latest treatment provided.
Rock now with new eyes on the situation shed tears of joy. Rock says to Wind, “Why didn’t you tell me what you were doing? I thought you were try

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