
"The Very Thought From You" Written by: Ron Brown

“The Very Thought From You” Written by: Ron Brown Photo by: Keith Davenport
Each of us is so powerful because of the divine gift within each of us provided by the universe.
Don’t believe me. If I were to say to you fresh white, orange and red roses are just outside your window. Your mind immediately pictures what these beautiful flowers would look like. You might even take in a smell in your mind from a fragrant memory of a walk in a lovely garden when last you saw these flowers.

As your day goes on your subconscious mind would dwell on this image and whisper places where you might encounter these roses. Perhaps a small store where you buy your snacks has single roses in a bucket. You suddenly find yourself walking toward them and lifting one up to your nose so that can take in the smell of the sweet, beautiful and desirous rose. Before today, you might have simply walked by the bucket and paid it no mind, but the thought in your mind of these roses will clearly find its way to your conscious path throughout your day. You might even buy one of these roses and give it to a friend who needs some encouragement. Your day will role on like it always does, but the connection of that image of the white, orange and red roses of such beauty will find its way to your conscious mind.
Now if this small image of the delicate, fragrant and desirous rose can find itself to you just by the very thought from you, what else can you create in your life. Your mind is doing this all the time. One growl from your stomach and your mind starts thinking and maybe even visualizing what you should eat for lunch and how to drive to the establishment that makes it or where in your kitchen are the ingredients for you to prepare this now mouth watering thought.
The power and magic of just the very thought from you can take your life in a new direction. And when we look within and find true light upon the writings etched upon each of our embryonic walls by the universe which will take our lives to heights never known this power is accelerated one hundred fold.
Have you in your life ever found something you enjoy doing? It might be being a Mother when you had children and saw for the first time how much you deeply loved nurturing your children as they start to explore the world. I say to you that this calling is amazing – to be able to help young minds to not be limited but in touch with their divine selves from a small, young age. Using their imagination and identifying what they are "good at" – thus finding that connection to the embryonic writing upon their beings and thriving from an early age.

Perhaps you find that writing, painting or even helping others is something that lights up and rings true with your embryonic walls, then unleash the power of that divine connection. To each of us are given a whole completed masterpiece waiting for us to tap into the awareness of the instruments to start playing the melody, harmony, notes, and finally start to sing with vibrational truth. These connections empower our pathways of our mind and allow the vivid imagery of our life plan to find reality attracting like two lovers on a dance floor when they finally hear their song being played live before them.
So do you smell that fragrant white, orange and red roses yet in your life? I bet you will so that you can start yourself on the path to BE Truly Well.

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