
“Only a Pebble Can Cause Me to Stumble” Written BY: Ron Brown Photography BY: Keith Davenport

As you clear the past whispers of doubt mingled with negativity and limiting fibers of dis-empowering strands you often will feel empowered to do great things. Always see the vision of where you are going clearly in your mind, vivid with each of your senses. As the vision moves closer to reality know that you are worthy to have it. Too often people reach this phase of their journey with the law of attraction and then a tiny pebble causes them to stumble.
If you have ever seen a runner in a marathon, how focused for the journey they are knowing and seeing the finish line desired for many, many months sometimes years. Their body properly trained to reach the finish line, the intensity of having run the course in their mind thousands of times. The day of the race, they move with the pack with a chill of reality that the dream is becoming present. When the body is almost to the breaking point the endorphins kick in with feelings of validation and euphoria which lets them press on. But it is the tiniest of pebbles in their path that if stepped on can cause them to stumble to the ground with only meters to go in their journey. It is then, that the realism hits them. A voice of doubt they never knew existed whispers in an echo saying “I knew you would never finish this, you never finish anything in your life” and suddenly that runner is tempted to just collapse and call it quits.
This will happen on your journey toward your finish line. There will be pebbles of doubt, things that will trip you up but the disciplined runner knows to get back up and get to the finish line worthy of the journey that got them there.
Know this, that a pebble is something that makes the race even more victorious when you achieve the finish line. 1 Corinthians 9:24 from the Bible says “Know ye not that they which run in a race run all, but one receiveth the prize? So run, that ye may obtain.” You have to run to receive the prize.
And if you stumble, or self doubts creep in to your mind – keep your eyes on the prize that the winner is worthy to receive.
IF a past message missed from your whispers exercise creeps up. Pick up the pebble and see where it came from – and say, pebble be thou removed. Validate as a life lesson the pebble but transform it into an obstacle overcome on your way to victory. Remember we see rocks in our path, it is the pebbles that are the life lessons that sometimes hurt the most on the journey.
So what are you waiting for - lace up those running shoes of life and get to it. BE Truly Well.

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