
"Mold Me, Shape Me, Let Me See" Written by: Ron Brown

“Mold Me, Shape Me and Let Me See” Written by: Ron Brown Photo by: Keith Davenport

Standing along the edge of the dock, Richard pondered how his life had come to this. In the stillness of that hazy morning he let the tears flow. Knowing mistakes he had made and missed opportunities because of self-imposed blindness caused him to be there truly on the brink. As the sun began to come up the light of day sparkled in the stream that was the trail of his tears. He all but weak from the weight of his revelation move to sit on a bench facing the waters. The sounds of the new morning brought clarity of miss steps, statements from a place of hatred that he never knew was there. All the little things like poorly stacked game of Jenga. How each carelessly laid piece had led to his current situation. His hand gripping tightly in a fist with white knuckles of pressure. “How could I have been so Stupid? Why did I say the things I did? It is too late. I’m done.” Richard thinking of ways to end it all in his mind racing to highest buildings to jump from or a train track of an active railway to jump in front of.
Then he felt the sun’s enlightening races penetrating the skin on his arms. The melody of the waves as they began to move upon the face of the shores. And in that moment between breathes he realized that this was indeed a new day. He recounted what he had lost by miss perceiving motivations of others and how his own carelessly released words had inflicted pain and discourse. A tingle along his back not from the shore breeze but the realization that had just been revealed to him. It was not too late. He could re-evaluate his situation and though something’s could not be undone, he could change his own mind. The way he heard without judgment or questioning the thoughts or motivations of others.
In that very moment Richard saw possibility replacing despair. He saw opportunity replacing paranoia of his work situation. He saw hope welling inside him from the faith in his new way of thinking requiring action.
He raced home to shower and wash the past from his mind. Humming a long forgot tune in his head, he started seeing new conversations with those whom he felt were against him. Seeing the flow in a new direction being received and understood. As he got himself dressed and walked out the door. The newspaper boy hit him with the morning paper. He simply bend over and picked it up. “Sorry mister” the paperboy said as he rode away. “It’s alright kid” Richard said back as he realized the words were not just for the paperboy, but for his very life. For today Richard learned that our condition is 80% perception and 20% reaction. Knowingly, his journey no matter what faced him in the office that morning was going to be OK. Not because of the agenda of the day, but the renewing of his own mind and perception.

So what about you? Have you been to you yet? For it is truly a beautiful place to be aboard the control center of the mind. BE Always Truly Well.

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