
Love All-Knowing - An Epic Spiritual Poem

A simplistic and profound devotional ode to the spiritual well-being of all mankind. It's Lao Tzu meets Dr. Suess. At times it's a confession of spiritual struggles and ecstasies, other times it's espousing radical spiritual truths, all the while unifying the underlying commonality between the world's various religions and spiritual paths.

It's currently being offered as a free PDF eBook download!

Every little stanza is riveting, direct and worthy of deep contemplation. But it's no mere philosophy—it provides very specific practices for the reader to verify for oneself the oneness and interconnectiveness of all life, that karma is a fact of life, and that prayer and meditation do indeed provide miraculous results. You'll also be left with certainty that there is a higher Reality beyond this physical world and that it is found in the silence of your mind and in the love of your heart, as that Silence & Love is one and the same as Zen & God, while these words are mere man-made concepts. Blocking the experiential realization of that Presence in this very moment is everything that we currently think we know. The quest for Truth dissolves all these illusions leaving nothing but the One Absolute. Anyone with strong attachments to their current thought processes and ways of being, to society's concepts, to worldly things, to the physical senses, or to a particular religion may not take kindly to the information herein. For the fearless, curious, and humble, may Love All-Knowing serve you on your inner search—it was written in surrender, and for the sake of all beings.

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