
"Look Not to Signs and Wonders" Written by: Ron Brown

“Look Not to Signs and Wonders” Written by: Ron Brown Photo by: Keith Davenport

Look not to what the masses admire but the magic in truly in the ordinary.

You have heard it said that “a wicked and perverse generation seeks a sign” and this has been discussed by countless theologians and philosophers.

But I know that the intent of this statement is quite simple – we must not look for the miracles of great magnitude nor be swayed by every new doctrine that comes along.

For the truly amazing truth comes from connecting with the miracle of you.

When you connect to the divine universal self within and you become in harmony with the embryonic writings upon your being the most amazing journey begins. And every minute of everyday becomes a new and wondrous adventure leading you onward to your destination. It is only when we allow the outward signs and wonders to detract us from the true potential that prevents you from the true harmony with the only sure thing, your divine self.

So next time you see a group of people swarm to a wind or doctrine like bees following the queen bee, pause and seek from within to validate your true directions before wasting valuable energy in the wrong direction.

Always look within and calibrate your sensing instrument against the true nature written upon the embryonic walls of your very being which will never lead you astray.

Know this that you in harmony with the divine self are the most amazing guru you can have during your lifetime. And if a voice rings true with this harmony then let it have your eyes or ears but walk away from that which brings disharmony with this divine connection.

Always, always BE Truly Well.

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