
Living Beyond Limits
Written by: Ron Brown Photo by: Keith Davenport

Throughout your life you may have heard someone or several people tell you that “you have missed your calling.” But this I tell you most assuredly you cannot miss your calling, only delay or not explore your unique potential. For before you were conceived the divine universe whispered a special purpose that only you were born to unfurl. This was etched upon your embryonic being before you took your first breathe.
Each of us must seek within to connect with the divine talent bestowed to each of us. This is done with a meditative-vision quest that will take you deep within the recesses to the vibrant paradise awaiting you. There in the silence of the moment does the song of you begin to play first softly at first then more lively with each movement showing you the wonders of you.
As the chorus repeats, you feel the welling up within you as you begin to hum along in sweet harmony. Some have this occur in childhood, some when they are in their teen years or 20’s. Others find it after many years in the fall of their life. Yet, the song will cause you to be truly moved with at first a sway and then a dance of pure joyful delight. In the glow of post meditational sign posts you find your eye lighting the path along the way. Each step guided by the rhythmic revealed pathway knowing that the journey will most assuredly lead you. It beckons you onward to the very place where in mediation you saw it only now real before own eyes. Make the time to visit the best vacation place in the world, you. For in the solace of that place is where angst is retired and longing lives, desperation and emptiness is replaced by joy.
Make the time to visit the best vacation place in the world, you. For in the visionary solace of that place is where angst is retired and longing lives, desperation and emptiness is replaced by joy.
Please visit there today, for there is nothing sadder then a life not truly lived and a purpose not realized. Don’t be selfish, share with the world your gift no matter what it is and make the world a better place.

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