
"Chain Reaction or Change Reaction" written by Ron Brown Photo by Keith Davenport

“Chain Reaction or Change Reaction”
Written by: Ron Brown Photography by: Keith Davenport
In life, you can let life happen to you as it will do day-after-day wondering why did this happen or that happen? Some even say that they have a “dark cloud over their head" or “Mercury is in retrograde” and that is why things are going negatively. Now let me assure you that in life bad things WILL happen but there is NOT any such thing as an “unlucky streak” but simply someone who is not in tune with the Law of Attraction and how “autosuggestion” can work FOR you.
IF you get a flat tire let’s say because of a nail in the road. The natural thing to do is say to yourself “Now my whole day is going to be shot to hell. I’ll be late to work” and on and on it goes. This is a “chain reaction” or a “self-fulfilling prophecy.” Sure enough, you do get to work late, surprise just like you thought your boss yells at you and it keeps giving you what you asked for which is that your whole day got “shot to hell”. There you go. Did you enjoy that?
Now, let’s rewind a bit and try a “change reaction.” So you are on your way to work and you again get the flat tire from a nail in the road. So you pull over then call the office on your cell phone and say you got a flat and will be in a bit late. Then you say to yourself “it is a good thing that I had this flat where I can safely change my tire and was going slowly enough to pull the car off the road safely. What a blessing.” This starts a “change reaction” process this is commonly known as “autosuggestion.” Then the rest of the day is based on looking for the very best in every opportunity rather than calling it every situation that comes along your way.
What is the difference you ask? Well, if you look for the positive and send forth a positive vibrational intent then even when people try to “rattle you” your energy is so powerful that you cannot be moved. This is also called “positive intent” or “autosuggestion.” SO now if a person is always causing negativity in your pathway, focus your mind on visualizing them as receiving happiness in their lives and that they be truly blessed.
(Remember it takes a dry match to rub up against a ruff surface to spark a flame. If you are not a dry or “expecting negativity” surface, then the match has no place to spark fire.) Soon you will see the universe will either help change them in how they treat you. Or maybe it will be how they behave differently toward you. Sometimes they will move out of your life or at least your daily situation. Another option is perhaps they will start their own life path or simply start treating you differently. Thus - instead of attracting the unhealthy pull of a “chain reaction” which just seems to draw in more negativity to you – the alternative I suggest is to “LET THERE BE” a “Change Reaction” bringing you peace and joy to your path. (Many of you have heard me say over the years “BE TRULY WELL” this is what I am always referring to – to allow a "Change Reaction" – to allow you to BE Truly Well.)

So, today choose how you want your life to be handled by as Deuteronomy says “The HEAD and NOT the TAIL” – which is a mindset that starts within during morning meditation. This is best done in the still small hours of the morning by visualizing your desires clearly and see them vividly. The mind has no choice but to help point out and attract to you what you desire. Now isn’t that better than creating “a dust cloud of misery” but even your loving grandmother knew this during her time when she warned you by saying “don’t borrow trouble.” Soon you will see the wisdom of the ages and signs along your path to bring you closer to the reality that has no choice but to come to be in your life.

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