
“Blissful Mindset” Written by: Ron Brown Photo by: Keith Davenport

“Blissful Mindset” Written by: Ron Brown Photo by: Keith Davenport
Connect with desire in the morning in perfect harmony with the vibrant life you see for yourself.
Breathe in the air of intention and exhale the harmonious connection. See the movement in this desired place with tactile motions on the surfaces of where you long to be. Vibrate the powerful flow within and hear the wondrous sounds of the desired surroundings. Allow the mind’s-eye to capture and connect with the etched embryonic chorus sings in wonderful harmony.

Spend the time there thrice daily in the morning will you rise for a powerful time, while taking a lunch time break for but a short time take yourself there and before going to bed find a visitation in connection with this heavenly-like place so that your subconscious and conscious mind can connect with the deep desire in that moment. This time is precious and peels back the scales of your eyes to see with Ah-Ha moments throughout your day.

When stresses seek to detract they are unable effect you as a burden for you see past the moment into the future-present mindset of bliss. Others speak with pessimistic flows which roll by your ear but never sing along to your divine melody and as such it is not in sync with your potential-energy stream. For today and forever you know and walk in the path seeing opportunity, connection and joy. Anything that is not harmonious with your pathways seems to fade as only background noise in the whole of time. Does this mean that you will not have bad times? No, but the difference is you now have a clearly visible pathway. For even in the darkest hours your guidance is never lost. A phrase from a friend, a verse from a writing you glance upon, a song playing on the radio tingle your senses and lighten your load. A vibrational connection to desire makes your burden lightened.
Soon you will notice signposts everywhere; some that have been there since before you were born now find meaning to you. They start connecting the foundation of desire with the framework of walls building upon your destination. Each day does the newness in your mind find connection and mortar to brick shoring this solid pathway. For mortar is a mixture of lime and cement mixed with sand and water, used as a bonding agent between the bricks but only together does it bond solidly. You cannot just add cement then sand then water and expect your wall to stand sure, they must be blended in a vibrational harmony to bond the bricks together forever.
So must with meditational connection finds yourself in synchronization with all you desire. For the only way to achieve destination is to BE in sync between the spiritual GPS and triangulated Satellites. Even the ships of old always looked toward the North Star to calibrate their locations to adjust their direction so that the port of destination was achieved.
So, you don’t need a special room, supplies or any such tools to find that connection, only desire and focus on and vibrate a beautiful visual pathway for your life. So what are you waiting for? Do words like meditation and nirvana scare you? They are but tools to connect with the divine in you. Let not traditions hinder your ability to achieve what you KNOW you were meant to create in your own life. You don’t have to be a Hindu or even a religious person at all, just connect with the divine within yourself. For no matter your religious affiliation or lack thereof will hinder the universal laws of connecting potential with achievement.
For you are unique, beautiful and able to accomplish great things you were born to be and do, but even the most glorious seed of the most amazing fruit needs to be planted in order to grow. So find the soil of the blissful mindset and plant the seeds of desire in your garden of the spirit starting now right where you are. BE Truly Well.

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