Yesterday a Lady who i left my Horse with told me she had killed him...She promised me never to do that..Even if he would not jump fo her..She lied and killed him anyway for not jumping.
Many people wrote me and asked me why i was not angry.
i was hurt , and this is what i wrote.
But this my answer to them..THERES A HIGHER POWER. Somhow i know it wasn't your fault...I refuse to believe you would do that to me on purpose to hurt me ..i have always been your friend....Yea it hurt to hear that.
and this is what i saud to them>
i'm human...yessss i am very disappointed with wendy...She gave me her word, that she would hurt my Saint....she lied....I prayed last night, and woke with thi daily word which reads> "We know Gods hand is in Everything,so we know we can leave everything in Gods hand"
How fitting......
As much as her human condition disappoints me, and in this case hurts me deeply, to the core of my soul. I weep for my Saint..
And leave it in My Lords hands , for I know , He knows better then I....
Always Your Friend,
Blessings to you and yours,
Wendy Olson also commented on her status:
"The Saint is smoking a bowl in heaven. I hate facebook for this kind of thing."
The Saint was my Horse