

New Human Experience

ALIGN within, SHINE Light of your own heart aware Inner Truth and PROSPER, beyond illusions that veil magnificence.

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Latest Activity: Oct 17, 2010

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Why war is evil

Started by Thomas Mitchell Glen Oct 17, 2010. 0 Replies

Hello again Doreen,I trust that you are well and enjoying life. Thoughts arising from within are continuing to be written and the following is a development of such deep matters. Why war is evil. As…Continue

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Comment by Thomas Mitchell Glen on March 1, 2010 at 9:12am
Dear Doreen,
Checked out your link to Robert's website kindly given, and extremely interesting but have decided to try another way of working as explained in my earlier letter.
Will keep you posted,
Love Tom.
Comment by Thomas Mitchell Glen on February 12, 2010 at 12:22pm
Thanks Doreen,
I appreciate you help at this time and I will contact Robert next week. Have a nice week-end. Love Tom
Comment by Thomas Mitchell Glen on February 12, 2010 at 9:50am
Dear Doreen,
Thanks again for your kind suggestions. I would like to go public with the Millenium Parable and the Enlightenmen, but have not got the computer knowledge to put in place. The knowledge of both writings came free and so I share it with others freely. Although I am delighted to contact others of kindred spirit.
Comment by Thomas Mitchell Glen on February 12, 2010 at 4:26am
Dear Doreen,
Thank you for your kind response. I listened to the scientist’s explanation that was most interesting along with your own description of human development likened to giving birth of a new world. The Millennium Parable was born from an experience of enlightenment that I was moved to write last November and came from a deeper spiritual experience some twelve years back. So maybe the scientist’s theory explains the ‘fieldwork’ that I have actually experienced over this time and the ‘butterfly is now emerging’. Love Tom


In the reading of history there appears an evolution of knowledge that relates to the development of the individual, the community their Country and the peoples of the world themselves. Prophets have from time to time given credence to higher knowledge that could bring great benefits to mankind. Many others in their own way and in their own time have translated prophetic words and writings to match the time that they lived in. Some were recognized as truthful in their translations and together they left a pattern down through the ages of truth seekers. The idea of an evolution of ordinary knowledge is already recognized through history. However the far greater evolution is confined to the brain and it’s mechanics. We can see the changes in history through our normal senses, but these changes are insignificant compared with the’ seven league boots’ progress that can be attained by the human brain. The enlightened brain can come closer to fully understanding the reality of truth. So what can be done to take the evolution of the brain forward in this new Millennium?

Cease warring, feed the poor and attend the suffering. Cease the greed for wealth and power. Let us live in peace with our neighbours and ourselves and destroy our weapons. Having committed ourselves to doing these things we will begin to stimulate our sensory part of the brain and be part of a new developing World. A World where children can learn a new way of living bringing untold levels of greater knowledge and understanding. The time has passed for ignoring the reality of truth. Knowledge must now be seen as of paramount importance to every individual. We have to learn how to acquire wisdom before further catastrophic wars develop. Studies of all religions show historical individuals aware of a greater knowledge and these individuals use their brain to achieve this. Little is known of the brain but most fortunately, we all have one. Development of the brain is such that the thought process is instrumental in the quality of thought that it produces and is the breakthrough now needed for a new enlightened Millennium. The brain has this sensory ability not yet fully understood or recognized but it is there and is a very important gateway to the proper working of the remainder of the brain.

When people speak in hope of large deserts being made fruitful, greater deserts exist in the brain through ignorance and must be cultivated first. Sensory ability has been used by prophets for thousands of years and now can be developed by the individual in every land. As spoken of before, the main exercise is to cease warring with others and ourselves. Help feed the poor and care for the suffering. Cease the greed for wealth and power. Live in peace with our neighbours and destroy our weapons whatever they are. Words alone cannot stimulate and change the sensory ability of the brain only the actions of the individual. Only then the individual begins to see the reality of truth and the new work promotes even greater understanding and brings a joy of living unsurpassed before. This condition is only one of the many untold treasures discovered in attaining greater knowledge.T.G.
Comment by Thomas Mitchell Glen on February 11, 2010 at 3:18am
Dear Doreen,
New to computers, please excuse any breaches of etiquette in sending.
Love Tom.

A Millenium Parable

As Commander of one of the most advanced and largest spaceships in the galaxy, she studied the terrible warring factions of this newly discovered world that the inhabitants called Earth and wondered to herself why this beautiful world had developed in such a hellish way

There was something fundamentally wrong in the knowledge of these people to result in this terrible global suffering. Why did they not know of the spiritual development that balanced and lifted the human being to higher levels? The Commander commenced studying their history first, through her having advanced technology that enabled her to see into all their communication systems and showed why their religions appeared to be so weak in the face of evil, resulting in such cruelty and bloodshed. They appeared to think that the Creator was an old man with a white beard sitting somewhere unable to solve the world’s problems and so they would do this themselves. Various studies revealed that some religious leaders were as much consumed by this same greed for power and domination as exercised by their Country’s political leaders and believed it their right to do so while killing those who disagreed.

The spaceship Commander also learned that many individuals down through history took power through material corruption. Even leaders of today, had not learned from their continual warring ways by not caring for their people who were made in the image of the Creator. Having set up Council of Nations with rules to observe peaceful ways, large Countries flouted these rules and went to war taking with them others to mislead and try to justify their actions. They followed collision courses time and again, leading to more wars that would lead them eventually to a final war of nuclear oblivion. A final reckoning would undoubtedly come if major changes did not take place. One of these main issues was their brain development or at least the lack of it. They had not progressed over centuries due to their obsession with materialism and had not pursued spiritual enlightenment of the brain that was brought about by the lack of study in this field, The miniscule responses to studying minor brain mechanisms were simply based on trying to understand the power of the mind and use this against others. Many academics were vertical thinkers and quiet unaware of the brain’s huge capacity and how to use it as a spiritual tool for peace. The great prosperity and advancement in thinking spiritually was away beyond their present imagination.

The academics had only just recently discovered the chaos theory and again were hanging all sorts of findings to this newly found piece of knowledge. What they did not know was the same chaos theory had already entered into their warring ways and could wipe out their entire unbalanced civilization.

Extra help would have to be called upon to make decisions regarding trying to help this world towards creating peace and harmony. The Commander gave orders to withdraw from their present observation position and head for home. She knew her crews were all suffering from the traumatic sights they had seen and needed to heal their terrible mental wounds, brought about by their visual studies and the long observations of these. Healing sessions had taken place on board ship while they had observed this awful planet and already the full power of healing began in their flight home. They could feel the warmth of their people sending love and healing to them, as they knew of the crew suffering mentally by what they had seen and recorded. Enormous healing energy developed and even the angels visually materialised in numbers and stood by the treatment tables to assist them in their healing by placing their hands on the bodies of the crewmembers. They felt greatly honoured by such divine presence and such power being directed to each and every one on board. The Commander’s people were used to the contact with the spiritual world through their brain development made centuries before and the presence of angels was accepted as the beautiful silent figures in white robes stood beside them This was only one of the great wonders of the level of holistic healing that the Commander could reveal to this sad planet to help bring them love and peace in the future. Many of Earth’s inhabitants saw religion as some form of killjoy in life, when in truth it was the very essence of a happy and prosperous life for everyone. Earth’s people were unaware of the gateway to the brain being stimulated and opened to greater knowledge by the spirituality of the individual acting as carers for each other in a god-like manner.

The Commander was kept busy with preparations for the meeting of all the Nations leaders of her world. Soon the day arrived to speak to hundreds of delegates’ intent on listening to her and various senior crews. She knew many questions would arise during days of talking, with having such first hand knowledge of this other unique planet. This planet with living souls was the very first of its kind, which they had discovered and was peopled by beings like themselves in past millenniums. The huge auditorium was full with so many delegates from all religions and cultures but she herself was at peace in her mind because she knew in her heart that they loved her. She knew they would not wish to pressurise her in any way by their great curiosity or by their numbers or cause her any kind of concern. The Great Hall was where large circles of delegates settled and sat in silence, awaiting their spaceship Commander to speak.

The meeting began with everyone standing up and holding hands, left hand up, right hand down, in the fashion of transmitting the great energy of their world to each other. The great prayer for love peace and harmony was spoken and everyone spoke the name of their Creator with reverence, and asked for the angels to guide them in their deliberations. The power through their bodies gradually increased and the strong feeling of love and peace engulfed them all, once again. This was the great divine power that gave them sustenance for their bodies each day and spiritual guidance to develop their minds’ work for greater things. The Commander thought of this same love, peace and healing which was unknown by the suffering people of her discovered planet. The great universal energy was common to both planets, as she had used this energy when working with different people during her stay there by sending them healing and peace. The delegates then closed the circle of energy by giving thanks then sat down in anticipation of the Commander speaking, and she began: -

“Brothers and sisters of Enlightenment, I speak to you to-day with enormous sadness of this other planet which has allowed evil to persist through centuries. The outcome as you know is that millions of people have suffered through that time. You have all been given details of my findings and I know by your faces and your response in speaking to you, that you too, are greatly distressed. This other beautiful world and its peoples are being destroyed through evil in the form of wars.

Studies of this other planet’s history show no change in their ways even with holy messengers of all religions speaking the truth to them through the centuries. There is no doubt many of the people themselves of this other planet have benefited from the Creator’s great work of sending messengers but some leaders continue to mislead the people into wars. Many are without true knowledge or wisdom and these leaders would however refute such claims as they continue the killing of people and say that God is on their side. Many lie by speaking of defending their people against evil and still pursue killing peoples of other nations. We must therefore send great love and healing to this other planet to avert many of their wars and to bring them together to create peace and harmony. We are blessed with much abundance of the knowledge of spiritual wealth and now we must help in the restoration of peace and love in this other planet that we have found. I believe myself that our Creator led us to this place, to sustain the great work of love and peace spoken of by his messengers of all religions, through the ages. Should this not be, then this most beautiful but sad world which we have discovered, will be destroyed by it’s own wrongdoings.

Having discovered this planet I believe, we will be given the strength to develop the great healing of the planet and it’s peoples. We have to accept our responsibility of caring for others, which we do at present on our own planet. I would therefore ask you to call upon our Creator, and through the angels to transmit each day love and peace to this other planet. We have lived with love, one for the other, regardless of our different religions and cultures and respect each other, as we are all, our Creator’s children. The knowledge of the angels’ helps us in turn to enjoy peace and love, which are in the minds of all our peoples. Through this love the advancement of our healing and material needs continues every day of our lives. This brings me to my main point for those who may have any doubts in their minds of helping this other planet. Like all good things, which we benefit from and share with each other, we have been given knowledge to create the technology of spaceships and time travel. I feel therefore that these powers, which have been given us, must not be seen as gain for our own comfort and pleasure but rather the tools that have been given us for helping others.

Wherever in this galaxy or other galaxies that we may find ourselves transported to, we must help those less fortunate than ourselves. Separated by time and distance, enabling both worlds develop each in our own way, we have seen the result of another world’s people being in a state of imbalance both spiritually and materially for many centuries. The time has come for us to grow into helpers in this great work of the healing of this other planet. These thoughts I know are mine at present, but I want you to share them at this time with me and on these points that I have set before you, I ask for your kind consideration and support.

The delegates in the hall rose with one accord to give honour to this loving person who spoke truly of great works and they gave her a massive round of applause to show their support with every delegate in the auditorium now standing on their feet. Everyone in the Great Hall then gave the affirmations of peace with her name included in these same speeches. Once again the huge circles of hands clasped each other and the energy field flowed through their beings, bringing great love and peace to every individual. The Commander allowed herself a mental picture of the other planet and one solitary thought – if only the people had been told of the complete works of the holy messengers by the authorities who had removed much of the written material as they did not wish the people to know. A holy messenger that the Commander read of in the other planet’s history once said, that they “ held the keys of the doors of knowledge but would not open them to the people.” A feeling of sorrow welled up again in her being but was quietly calmed by the peace, which she experienced yet again through the power of being among her own people.

That evening a ball was held in honour of the Commander and her crew and everybody enjoyed the evening with all the ship’s female members receiving a gift of beautiful dresses created by their favourite designers. The men too were given gifts of the latest evening designs to wear for the gala ball. Their latest fashion technology and materials had been used for such gifts of apparel to lighten their minds after suffering so much mentally during their expedition. They were all glad to be home and looked forward to their leave with their families and friends. How they now appreciated their world even more when they thought of their living without fear of evil people and their resulting chain of poverty and killing ways. There was no doubt that the Commander and her crew having been exposed to this trauma of destruction would take some time to recuperate from the mental upset that they all had suffered from. The terrible pictures in their mind of the other warring planet would without doubt, stay with them for the rest of their days

The next day the Commander again took place of honour in the great circles of delegates and the ceremonies enacted the day before were repeated. The affirmations of love peace and harmony for their own planet were spoken in unison and then the affirmations and the prayers for love peace and harmony were spoken of by the nations for the other planet. Time alone would tell what war on the other planet might have been halted by the intervention of loving power, which guided them in all their daily work. This everyday practical power was the same that they had used for centuries to heal their own world. The Commander rose and the respect from the delegates was so intense that she could feel it and this great love warmed her heart, as well as the joy of being among so many friends. She started by thanking them again for all their kind wishes and proceeded with asking for questions from the delegates. She looked well in her smartly cut pale blue uniform of Commander and was in every way, a beautiful lady of great distinction and intelligence. They were all so proud of her and her crew for such a brave undertaking. The first question from one of the delegates was one that was most obvious and which she was prepared for. “Did she find any redeeming situations that could give the delegates an overall view of the other planet’s peoples”? They understood the trauma of seeing evil deeds carried out by these people but were these people in the minority or in the great majority? The question was expected and she drew breath to begin an explanation of the situation.

Yes, she had found many good people whose sole aim was to help their fellow beings. She had read of a few leaders both religious and authoritarian who had led their people in peace without wars or threats of wars, but they were very few. This search and information had been made studying the communications systems of the other planet. There were people who had given their lives to save others, people who had renounced the evil lives they had led and became reformed in their ways. Yes, she had to give a balanced report and had sought out people who had served faithfully in a lifetime of suffering and drudgery and could only be described as most spiritual by their readiness to forgive others who had caused them so much pain. Other people had lost some of their families and again showed great courage in forgiving the perpetuators of the evil deeds that caused their suffering. Contrastingly, with regard to the majority of the peoples` leaders, both religious and political, some had fought their way to the top and to stay there they often compromised what little honesty and integrity they had. Soon they themselves were caught up in the corrupting force of material power. Without the basis of true teachings for guidance, and acting as leaders, they made errors and some of these were terrible mistakes in judgement leading to more wars and more suffering for their peoples. The reports continued and soon the delegates could see for themselves the deep level of study that had been undertaken of the planet by their Commander and crew with the report shown to be most balanced. Another day’s conferencing soon drew to a close and it was agreed that the next day would be one of suggestions both from the floor and from their honoured guests. The delegates in the Great Hall then spoke of another planned flight in a year’s time and sending a larger team.

All too soon the crew arrived at the ships terminal a year later and the Commander welcomed them on board. There were a few new faces as some of her former crew had taken longer leave with their families because of their slower mental recovery from the other planet, but sent their messages of love to everyone on board for a successful outcome of their expedition. Lifting gently from their position on the apron they took up the hover position and went through their checks. The command was given and the huge ship tilted slightly and gracefully glided silently away gaining height all the time until they cleared the atmosphere of their planet. The next command was to set course for the other planet and this they did with monitors showing and confirming their progress through space. The ship was designed to make easy such journeys and was equipped with advanced technology to avoid the five-dimensional `rocks and coastlines` of space. The wonders of time travel were again activated and soon they would see once again the other planet.

Soon the spiral arm of the galaxy in which their new discovered planet lay, became visible on their monitors. The new course settings were seen altering on the waypoints as corrections were made by their technology. Their time travel would then cease and normal space flight would take over. Life on board was pleasant with duties interspersed with leisure time. Everyone had been talking of their year’s holiday and how they had spent their time with families and friends. Laughter could be heard in some of the rest areas as funny experiences were remembered once again to the amusement of those on board. The whole ship’s crew however, fell silent as normal space flight was activated. They knew they would soon be arriving to see once again the horrors of warring practices on this terrible Earth planet. They had calculated that wars broke out within a few years of each other and again the possibility was high that a war may now be raging between nations. They were right; as they now approached the planet they could pick up the sound of explosions in a particular area, which meant another war had begun. …………………

They studied again the events that led up to this war and saw how the downward spiral of new atrocities were accelerating which was part of the strategy of corrupt decisions made. The opposing leaders at war were appearing themselves in their communication networks portraying themselves as good people carrying out good decisions to help everyone. The crew continued in silence to monitor these terrible events unfolding before them and some members of the ship’s crew had to be taken to the treatment rooms to receive healing energy for their traumatised minds once again.

Their treatments consisted of six of the crew standing around each treatment couch while positioning themselves at the head and feet of each individual and two on either side. The six held hands in the order adopted for receiving power through their bodies and as the healings were visualized in their minds, they quietly went about this curative work of the mind. Their hands rested on the body of each crewmember on the couches and soon the heat of their hands confirmed the flow of divine healing both to mind and body. When the hands eventually cooled they knew the crewmember being treated had absorbed the necessary level of energy and as he or she was now in a state resembling sleep, they quietly withdrew, to leave one person behind to tend to their needs when they came round again.

Such was Earth’s devastating effect every day on the spiritual world of enlightened people who wished peace on Earth through compassion for each other. One holy messenger said that even the stones would weep if this was not so.T.G.
Comment by Thomas Mitchell Glen on February 11, 2010 at 2:53am
Dear Doreen,
Look forward to learning of your group.
Love Tom.

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‎"Why should there be hunger and deprivation in any land, in any city, at any table, when man has the resources and the scientific know-how to provide all mankind with the basic necessities of life?"
~Martin Luther King, Jr.



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