
What Events and Causes would you like to see the leading News Channels report about?

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I personally think the news channels are way too bias. I think if they are to cover any story there should be more that one side told. Nobody can make a clear change or lend a helping hand if they dont know the direct cause and effect of their actions. I think they should focas more on seeing every story as a whole, see the world as one working toward some kind of common goal, and stop critisizing anything out of the norm.
If all peace groups would submit press releases regarding their upcoming events or successes in creating a peace result in a local election or in influencing Congress's vote on a bill, the media would have more items to choose from when preparing their broadcasts.

Also, more attention could be paid to Dennis Kucinich's activities if the peace groups brought them to the attention of the media--and Cynthia McKinney's, too.
Cynthia is out putting HER life on the line in Gaza to improve conditions for Palestinians. Dennis is continuing to encourage investigation into crimes and misdemeanors of the previous administration AND to create a legitimate cabinet department with as much clout as the DOD called the Department of Peace. He needs all the attention and support and help he can get. And we need that Department so that Americans can see that there IS more than one way to look at issues and conflicts.
My list is long ,and as I was writing it I realized I started with global awareness on issues such as human rights in Tibet, basic human rights everywhere, the unbelievable number of people who go hungry, China, Iraq, Africa, child labor, how about educating and informing our future generations about the Peace Corp as much as "big brother" informs our children about joining the military , and the list goes on, and on, then I realized that Peace and change start with me, then with taking care of my family, then taking care of my community, then the community takes care of the state, the state takes care of the nation, the nation takes care of the my answer to your question is I would like the media to spend time daily on local charities and individuals that need help and ways to do so.The facts and figures need to be repeated daily with as much vigor as "the newest item you need to buy" is , and not just a 30 second report as it seems to be now, or just around Christmas.
I believe people are inherently loving and generous and will help out when they can with time and money, if they only knew who was in need and of what, therefore the media needs to show the reality of how many people in your own hometown are starving, need help with bills, clothes for school and just the daily necessities.
( …and I think this is something that I can start in my own hometown…I need to let this idea stew a bit :)…thanks for the inspiration Yaron)

in the meantime I will always send my love and prayers locally and globally



‎"Why should there be hunger and deprivation in any land, in any city, at any table, when man has the resources and the scientific know-how to provide all mankind with the basic necessities of life?"
~Martin Luther King, Jr.



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