

Conscious Media

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Recommended Books For Children

Started by jimmsfairytales0com. Last reply by Kimberly V Jun 4, 2009. 1 Reply

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Comment by Yaron Fishman on September 10, 2009 at 1:10pm
Comment by jimmsfairytales0com on June 16, 2009 at 1:35am
I KNOW that there's a danger in creating copies of things and piling them up all over this site, but I have created a sort of Central Library for books and stories about Peace, Non-Violence, Resolution of Conflict, Acceptance of "The Other", etc. And I would like all of you who have recommended books on these subjects HERE to file them THERE, as well.

You are also given a chance to publicise your OWN writing elsewhere on Internet, or add a totally original piece directly to the Library.

Please bear in mind the nature of the books and stories I'm asking for. I will be acting as a librarian, and I have already asked one contributor to remove 2 additions [animal stories] (although interesting) from the library because they were off-topic. I am hoping that she will add them elsewhere.

Someone has also criticised the complication of my shelving system (3 shelves each [original stories by members, links to full versions of stories elsewhere on the Net, and recomendations of already published-on-paper books] for fiction for children, adolescents, and adults... as well as one shelf for non-fiction) and rules for adding material. but I have chosen to do this for the convenience and ease of READERS. A story only needs to be added one time. But we HOPE that it will be looked for and read many times. So I want it to be easily found. So - for example - if you're looking for a book about Peace for 8-year-olds, you don't have to wade through pages and pages of essays on Conflict Resolution aimed at adults in order to find it.
If this means a little more work for the filer of a story (and for myself, as "librarian"), that's the price we have to pay.
Comment by VeganCaribChefMayra on June 16, 2009 at 1:12am
Guys *** I will offering Cooking Classes Vegan Style for 6 weeks 3 hours a class for July and August.. Day Time Class Wednesday's at NOON and Saturday @ 10:00 AM Night Class BY VIP only 10 PPL semi-private SW side of town ON Thursday Nite @ 6:00 PM Classes are booking Fast call and leave a message 702 722 0108 or email Thank you Kimberly for allowing to Post the Classes .. VEGAN COOKING CLASS

Comment by jimmsfairytales0com on June 12, 2009 at 12:56pm
I advise you all - if you are interested in how media is used to misinform - to go to this YouTube profile and click on "subscribe". You will then be notified when new videos from this group are added. It's a "not-for-profit, progressive research and information center dedicated to comprehensively monitoring, analyzing, and correcting conservative misinformation in the U.S. media".
Comment by professor angelicus on April 21, 2009 at 7:31pm
Ziggy put his paws over his floppy black ears. He knew what was coming. He knew the Professor was ready to launch into one of his long tirades and he couldn't bear to hear it. It was just too painful for his sensitive ears. He had heard there were places on the earth that were messed up. Word had gotten around. His friends had told him. The birds, who traveled back and forth through the seasons, flying everywhere over water and land, had seen it. Bird told Rabbit. Rabbit had been frightened when he told the gentle deer. And Deer had told Ziggy. Something awful was happening in these places called cities.

The squirrels were gathering more nuts than they needed, afraid there wouldn't be any more trees. Their friends the frogs were disappearing and no one knew why. They needed the frogs! They're the ones who sing to the thunder being. Their song brings on the rain.

Everyone was talking about it. They told Ziggy the problem was his friends, the humans. They were taking up more space than the Great Universal Source had allotted them. Turtle said the humans should learn to slow down and look around. Snake said some of their poisons would wake them up soon enough. Spider said not to worry. The humans had created a web and gotten caught in it. But some of them would see their way out. They could see the light, the weaving of the whole universe. And after all, even flying insects knew to go to the light, didn't they?

Chapter 7 - The City
Comment by Ron Adams on April 2, 2009 at 3:45pm
i like the idea of conscious media. I wish more films and music to help raise our global consciousness would come out. Also why can't we create video games that raise consciousness instead of all that violence?

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~Martin Luther King, Jr.



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