
New years day, driving from Edmonton to Calgary. From Edmonton to Red Deer we drove along side this most amazing sight (sun dogs), then in Red Deer it was as if we drove through it and on the other side was a massive snowstorm... one of the worst I have ever driven through!


I took this icture from my backyard and every time I see this photo, I think of LOVE! When I capture moments like this I cannot help but realize how magical this universe is :)


I was told that I was in a very dangerous position taking this photo... it was mating season and he had rounded in all the females and kept on coming directly to me... snorting with his tail up in the air... it was amazing to watch :) I AM so grateful for the angels that watch over me!


July 18, 2011... Morning Sunrise in Edmonton... I wish I could post all the picture that I took that morning... they were amazing!


Winter wonderland... how amazing and beautiful is this!

Views: 620

Replies to This Discussion

Very Beautiful photos... smile :-)
Nice and Thumbs up Erica Boersma ^.... smile :-)
I really like your back yard pix.
Great shots Erica! I especially love the buffalo photo! Congratulations!!!


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