

A Story For Peace

A "Central Library" of your own stories – as well as books you recommend – to do with Peace, Non-Violence, Resolution of Conflict, Acceptance of “The Other”, etc...

Location: Planet Earth
Members: 4
Latest Activity: Feb 13, 2012

I will be building several "bookshelves":
a) Original stories that members have written (or will write especially for this library) for children, and to be added in “comment” form here. Please read general guidelines below.
b) Original stories that members have written (or will write especially for this library) for adolescents, and to be added in “comment” form here. Please read general guidelines below.
c) Original stories that members have written (or will write especially for this library) for adults, and to be added in “comment” form here. Please read general guidelines below.
d) Links to your own stories – or stories by others that have really inspired you - already to be found on the Web. These will be very short comments with a quick synopsis or description and an active URL link – and will be divided into the same categories as a) to c). Please read general guidelines below.
e) Recommendations of books that CAN’T be read in their entirety on the Web. This means books that have already been published in paper form. These should be recommended briefly – with a short synopsis and an image of the jacket cover if possible (these can usually be found on Internet; see tips below) in a comment. Active links to further information on the Web that you found useful (don’t waste our time with links to lame descriptions) would be appreciated, as would details about publishers. These will also be divided as in a) to c).
f) Non-fiction. Same divisions.

Tips and Guidelines

I am going to ask all of you to do part of the work of a librarian, and add to your comments the following information. If you are incapable of doing so, please get in contact with me and ask for further tips on how to do what you want to. In time I will provide a separate “bookshelf”: FAQ (frequently asked questions) with further how-to information.
Do NOT add comments of the style of the first one here, which I am adding purely as a joke!
OK, in an attempt to be serious:
1) Make sure that your story or book belongs here (see description above). Don’t just wax ecstatic about this great little love story – or adventure novel – you’ve just read. Mention THEM on your own profile page if you wish. Off-topic stories or book recommendations will be deleted - a waste of your time and of mine.
2) Choose your bookshelf well. Most of us realise that there is some crossover. Please don’t add the same story or book to more than one bookshelf. For example: one of my favourite books (although it doesn’t belong here under guideline 1) ) is “Alice [] In Wonderland”. This appeals to children AND to adults – but often not to adolescents. If it DID belong here, I would shelve it as a children’s book – as it IS primarily a children’s book - and add the comment “appeals to ALL ages (except those adolescents over-anxious to appear ‘above’ kids’ books)”
3) Please don’t add a book that somebody else has already added! It might save YOUR time, wading through past comments, but it’s going to make the list of comments much longer for OTHERS to wade through. If your recommended book has already been added, you may “reply” to that comment, but please KEEP IT SHORT: “I agree” or “This book is really excellent” (or “I found this book to be totally crap: too sexist”, etc.) will suffice. I will be adding ANOTHER shelf for readers’ longer reviews.
4) Start your comment (no matter which bookshelf you put it on) with the title of the story or book, followed by the author’s name (or pseudonym if it’s your own story and you want to use one).
5) In the case of stories or books for children, please include in a heading after the title the age-range you think would most be interested in your story.
6) If the story is your own, we may find that’s technical set-up will limit the length of these stories… or they may be added in instalments. But in this case, please make sure that your story is ready to be added all at one time, so the instalments will follow closely one after another. This means cutting from a word-processing document, pasting the first instalment into one comment box and clicking “add”, and adding the continuation as quickly as possible.
6 bis) If you notice that somebody is adding instalments, please be patient and don’t add your own story in the middle of theirs. It would be a good idea if you ended an instalment with “(to be cont.)” . Start the next one with the title of the story again and “(cont.)” just in case somebody else does interrupt the two parts…
7) If the story is already published in full on Internet, please add it as a simple link on the shelf dedicated to that, as this will spare MyPeace valuable storage space - and possible legal problems.
8) Do not make observations such as “I would give this story 9 out of 10”. We don’t want you to waste the space with stories that you WOULDN’T give 9 – or 10 – out of 10. But be generous with yourself, with your stories, and with us in sharing your own work.
9) Poems have their own place on . Please don’t add individual poems here. Do it HERE. That would also be a good place to suggest books or web-sites of poems…
10) To find the cover art of a book, go to , type in the title of the book in inverted commas, as well as the authors name in inverted commas
EXAMPLE: "when the wind blows" "raymond briggs"
Now, that particular example will offer you about 2890 thumbnail images, 18 to a page. But luckily, the very first on page 1 will do us perfectly. Click on that thumbnail, which might or not take you to a web-page that contains an enlarged version of the image. Even if it doesn't, there will be another thumnail in the upper left corner with "See full size image" in underlined blue written next to it. If you click on those words, you will get a larger image. Whichever of the larger images you use, if you "right-click" on the image, you'll get a list of options, one of which is "Save Image As..." Click on those words, and you can save the image file on your computer. From there you can upload it onto your comment by clicking on the wee black camera at the top of the comment box.

If I can think of any other Tips and Guidelines, I will add them later.

clclay suggested starting this group and instructed me to "look for a good image for its logo".
As soon as I read that, there was little doubt in my mind which image it had to be:

Comment Wall


You need to be a member of A Story For Peace to add comments!

Comment by jimmsfairytales0com on June 8, 2009 at 10:36pm
Well, I read a pretty good book, I think it was to do with Peace, it might even have had the word "Peace" in its title. It was quite a few years ago, but I remember being qute impressed by it. I think it was by a foreigner, or maybe a 2nd-generation citizen, or something. anyway, I'm pretty sure that his name was Andre - or was it Rene? - and his last name started with an S...
Let's see, it was set in Belgium, I think. (Maybe that's why I thought that it was written by a foreigner.) And this guy's travelling with his cousin - or was it his sister? - anyway, the two of them are travelling, and...

OK, for those of you who didn't read the group information: that is a very exaggerated parody of the kind of comment we don't want here.

We also don't want ANY book recommendations on this main group page. Please put the books on the correct shelves above. Thank you!

Members (3)


‎"Why should there be hunger and deprivation in any land, in any city, at any table, when man has the resources and the scientific know-how to provide all mankind with the basic necessities of life?"
~Martin Luther King, Jr.



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