
What the Bleep Do We Know?


What the Bleep Do We Know?

a great documentary movie about science and spirituality, quantum mechanics to be exact. there's lots of neurology and psychology thrown in as well.

Members: 7
Latest Activity: Sep 22, 2009

Discussion Forum


Started by Marek Zielinski Mar 4, 2009. 0 Replies

Part 10

Started by Rob Mar 2, 2009. 0 Replies

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Comment by on March 4, 2009 at 3:28am
Hi Thanks for inviting me to join the group. I bought this DVD a few years ago, I will rewatch it now. If I recall correctly it has a connection with Masaru Emoto. I have his crystal cards. they are very beautiful. That led me to find out more about water. Water has so many wonderful qualities, it can remember instructions, that is how homeopathy and Bach remedies work. It also remembers the bad stuff too unfortunately. The water we drink, wash with, cook with is so influential to our wellbeing. I have posted on my page about a book 'Water and Salt the Essence of Life', which is a must read/have in my opinion.
Comment by Rob on March 2, 2009 at 4:23pm
the videos are in order from top to bottom, they are not all posted yet, it's a very long documentary, I recommend you watch each segment a few times, depending on how familiar you are with the concepts, it may take a while for it to soak in, I'd love to discuss the ideas, and answer any questions I can.
Comment by Rob on March 2, 2009 at 4:19pm
inside part 10 is a point that is very important, talking about our emotions, peptides being released by the brain as a chemical catylist to change our body chemistry thus changing our emotions and perceptions. Part 11 has Robert Palmer, perfect song for the story.

Members (6)


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