
Peace Day TV ( is requesting news-casters for live-streaming of positive events, news, or videos; please let us know if you'd like to participate.  We allow you to broadcast your educational events or news LIVE across the globe and even record the event so you can place it on your website so those who missed it can watch on demand at their convenience.  The Livestream "Peace Player" can also be added on your own organizational website so people can watch from your home on the World Wide Web.     Additionally, they have a weekly Radio Show which you can be the guest on.  These various means of media promotion are a very effective means of raising awareness and building a Culture of Peace.

A WE Media group had been added to the website, upon joining the group you can add your videos, photos, request a livestream time, or to be a guest on the radio show.  If you
have questions about the offerings of media promotion for your organization, you can contact the Peace Day TV volunteer staff by visiting ~ or respond to this discussion, Peace Day TV admin is an avid supporter of MyPeace.TV and Yaron!  May Peace Prevail on Earth by making Every Day a Peace Day.

Views: 79

‎"Why should there be hunger and deprivation in any land, in any city, at any table, when man has the resources and the scientific know-how to provide all mankind with the basic necessities of life?"
~Martin Luther King, Jr.



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