
Do you know the ex-Orthodox Jew, then Agnostic and now Christian Captive in Jerusalem?

I first Xed paths with the Whistle blower of Israel's WMD Program, Mordechai Vanunu by 'chance' in the early evening of the first day of summer on June 21, 2005:

read more:

On Jan. 25, 2006, Vanunu's FREEDOM OF SPEECH TRIAL began in the 'democracy' of Israel.

In July 2007, Vanunu was sentenced to 6 months in jail for speaking to foreigners in 2004, who happened to be media.

His Supreme Court Appeal is TBA, but the 5th year of restrictions that deny him the RIGHT to leave the state, the RIGHT to speak to non-Israelis expires April 21, 2009.

I have been streaming 2005, 2006, 2008 video with Vanunu and reports from day one of FREEDOM OF SPEECH Trial on my website and am calling for people of good conscience to contact their media and request they report on a FREEDOM OF SPEECH Trial, Conviction and Supreme Court Appeal which should be by April 21, 2009.

Join US on Face Book:

Letters to President Obama: FREE VANUNU NOW!

LEARN Much and view 2005, 2006, 2008 video with Vanunu @

Eileen Fleming, Founder WAWA:
Author "Keep Hope Alive"
"Memoirs of a Nice Irish American 'Girl's' Life in Occupied Territory"
Producer "30 Minutes With Vanunu" and "13 Minutes with Vanunu"

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Letters to President Obama: FREE VANUNU NOW!

The photo of Vanunu is copyright Meir Vanunu and taken next to a statue of St. Stephen, the first Christian to be martyred for Freedom of Speech
Beloved Eileen,
We can talk and I will look forward to your sites. We are the House of David, who shall bring them homeward.
Devoted servant,, your Twin Deer Mother


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