
Well signing peace petitions and teaching others yoga and meditation are a couple of neat ideas for steps to peace. I thought I'd start a discussion to share all of our ideas and techniques. I know there are as many as there are people.

Right now, what brings me peace is eating more healthy, I stopped drinking Pepsi after all my life. I am also eating raw veggies daily, working my way towards that. Not that I become a total vegan, but its nice to have a balance.

I am also into Dream work, dream journaling. I feel this is a way to peace, bringing back, as Robert Moss describes, a Dreaming Culture. We rely too much on TV news, which is nothing but hype.

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I agree you on respecting nature life and its products!
Can you recommend me some books to read about this movement.
I write books for children....
Just got a great book today, and I love the author: The Hope, A Guide to Sacred Activism by Andrew Harvey, any of Ken Carey's books, Starseed Transmission and The Third Millenium.

Andrew Harvey wrote another great book on The Essential Gay Mystics.

Eckhart Tolle, A New Earth, Awakening to Your Life's Purpose, is an excellant read.

Spiritual Liberation, Fulfilling Your Soul's Potential, by Michael Bernard Beckwith is another great one.

Anything by Barbara Marx Hubbard, the futurist, and Barbara Hand Clow for more metaphysical books.

Hopes that helps.

Ron Adams


‎"Why should there be hunger and deprivation in any land, in any city, at any table, when man has the resources and the scientific know-how to provide all mankind with the basic necessities of life?"
~Martin Luther King, Jr.



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