
Hi Everyone..

This topic is intended to help us share our greatest visions about human potential and how we want the world to be in the future. It may not always be easy to be optimistic...but let's see how much we can inspire each other. When you envision the grandest possible future for all people, and the world..what does it look like?

Since we are always evolving, your ideas may change, or you may have new visions....

feel free to share more as you grow :)

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Only as Human Beings can we be truely united in the vast cooperation that evolve Life.
Nations and religions are not alive.
Their priorities are not those of Living Things.
While children are LIMITED to saluting flags and worshiping stones, evolution will continue in Reverse, as crusading, patriotic armies remove Humanity from the earth.
While swords, muskets and lies murder Humanity in order to own their time, labor and lives, more and more murderers will be left alive to reproduce, and Human Life will continue to decline.
I understand this is how you feel but the topic was your vision for a better future for humanity, this sounds horrible and I pray that the people and power of Spirit is able to transform this vision to one of peace, love, acceptance, and abundance. I believe it's possible, it is all in our hearts! we just need to start listening to our heart!
One version or another we'd all see the same ideal -- a cooperative, peaceful world where everyone has basic needs met. I can't see past looking at how to get there -- how to make a leap of levels to re-mesh the gears that run our world, which are inherently controlled by a power structure that would be threatened in a new world order. I focus on the crop circle phenomenon. If we knew we were not the only intelligence in the universe, we would be one humanity in relation 'the other,' and, as someone in my movie says, "That could be what saves this civilization." Personal growth is a lifetime's work, if not longer, but shifting the worldview that holds all our societal problems in place could happen overnight! Here's the movie I've made as my effort to bring paradigm change about:
I like what you have to say Suzanne. Thank you for sharing.
This is great! Yaron, have you got my letter inviting you to be a part of the Rainbow Earth- Vision From the Fiture book?
This idea is to create a collective creative vision of our common desirable future - visions + ACTIONS

If you do agree, please send one page text + your digital photo + 2-3 sentences about who you are

I believe the first step that we need to focus on as the foundation for any future growth is an internal process of letting go of any violence in our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors both internally and toward others. It is like preparing the soil to create a beautiful garden. if the soil is polluted with destructive elements, doesn't matter what seeds you plant, it will be only as good as the nutrient and quality of the soil. Here our mind and consciousness is the soil.
Beautifully stated Nader. I feel that too.
I am reminded of a quote by Albert Einstein that may relate to my previous statement: " We can not solve a problem with the same state of mind that created it."

denouncing violence ofcourse is a process which requires acknowledgement of our fears and our tendencies for greed and domination before we also become willing to let go of these types of consciousness as well.
Allow me to add some Einstein quotes running up in the net:
I'll dare comment each, beggining with yours: We can solve the problem with a single mind.

"Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius -- and a lot of courage -- to move in the opposite direction."
Any person can make thinks bigger. More complex and more pacific. Quieter. It take a person to do it. And we can believe all persons are sort a genious instead of wondering it's normal to be a little crasy each of us.

"Imagination is more important than knowledge."
Imagination is the source of life. And living beens knows what they are: imaginating people. Wise too.

"Gravitation is not responsible for people falling in love."
Love, God, is responsible for people falling in love. Not for falling apart. Ignorance is, and we know it.

"I want to know God's thoughts; the rest are details."
I can imagine God's thoughts passing through my own mind teaching me and answering my questions.
If I can, and I say I do, anyone can. I'm not an extra nor intra terrenium. I'm a being, as any other.

"The hardest thing in the world to understand is the income tax."
The easiest thing in the world is to accept love in your heart.

"Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one."
Reality is the only real thing in our dellude life. We don't know how Godly we are.

"The only real valuable thing is intuition."
The one real valuable thing is our own and personal life.

"A person starts to live when he can live outside himself."
A person stars to live when he dies. Usually. Life was not meant to destruction. Humans do destroy and not many others around.

"I am convinced that He (God) does not play dice."
I am convinced that He pulled the first strings. Now it's our time to read them.

"God is subtle but he is not malicious."
God is good.

Einstein also said:
"The release of atom power has changed everything except our way of thinking...the solution to this problem lies in the heart of mankind."
Well... I ask you... where is the heart of God if not beating on each human being down here on Earth?
I may add.. wherever this heart is beating, there very close is God's mind too.

(Quotes took from )
Marcus, really like what you did here. Your thoughts are beautiful & I know just where they came from ;-)
My vision for the world is that every beings basic needs (pure water, nutritious foods, clean air, shelter, clothing, education, creative expression, love, warmth, acceptance) are a given. We all live from our hearts, respect, love, peace, creativity, and abundance abounds, we all feel supported, loved, and free. Patience and understanding, ultimate respect and love for nature and spirit... Healing all energies. Realization that all life is perfect, whole and complete.
oh, and w~holistic health care for all... the love and sustainability of natural blessings and well being...


‎"Why should there be hunger and deprivation in any land, in any city, at any table, when man has the resources and the scientific know-how to provide all mankind with the basic necessities of life?"
~Martin Luther King, Jr.



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