
Do you like to Rhyme?...I know some of us do :)

So let's play a game...

I'll write a line, then someone will reply to my line and add a rhyme, then someone will reply to their line with a rhyme...and so on and so on--each person posting one rhyme at a time...

before we know it we'll have a very very long poem ;)

And feel free to change the rhyme scheme from time to time (though it's sometimes fun to see how long we can keep one rhyme scheme going :) )...

those are the guide lines of the game...let's have fun :)

I'll start it off with this line:

Let's co-create a Rhyme

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we see the sacred balance as we ponder
from here & yonder! :)
we may need a helicopter ;)
Peace, Love, Unity & Respect ( ( P L U R ) ) we will foster <3
witnessing all the gifts our Universe offers
cause fear has been conquered
..And we're on the LOVE roster! <3
Through teamwork, we prosper ;)
We ALL have SO much to OFFER
mothers, fathers, sons and daughters
co-creating a ripple effect in our universal waters <3
wisdom within says we oughta..


‎"Why should there be hunger and deprivation in any land, in any city, at any table, when man has the resources and the scientific know-how to provide all mankind with the basic necessities of life?"
~Martin Luther King, Jr.



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