

Avoiding each other
Seeking the test
Keeps us from knowing
Love’s interest is best

We all have special interests that drive us to our destined agreements in this life. It is
usually the easy way, the thing that takes least effort, because having a great interest
in something moves us to submission, and with submission we are halfway there

So, let’s take a peek into those things that just do not interest us in the least, and
discover, not only why we are not interested in them, but determine if, maybe, we
would benefit by putting forth a little more effort in order to allow more interest.

Probably the most common reason we dismiss interest in any particular thing, is
because we don’t FEEL interested. Remember, feelings are flighty, and often comes
from fear, fatigue, indifference, intimidation, jealousy, and selfishness. This is when
interest can simply be a choice, rather than a feeling that may be in need of healing,
and is keeping you hostage from participating in a new healthy interest.

We are all wounded from the past, and need healing, and with a little interest and
desire to be whole and healed, the recovery begins to unfold. I believe that every
single discomfort, hurt, and painful experience is directional, leading us back to our
Creator’s Creation, Our own Self, for comfort, love, and well being.

When seeming disinterest is looked upon as a challenge to peer deeper into the
benefits of making extra effort to become more interested, a whole new world will
come alive with purposeful worth of exploration.

Love makes the effort to at least encourage another'

s interests, even if it is far from your own. Most of us are just searching for someone to be interested in who we are, and what we think about. Healing can start with one person making an effort to,
honestly, be interested in another person, unconditionally.

I must admit I have set boundaries for myself, as far as time limits, with personalities
that tend to drain my energy, and tempt me to spin my wheels into an entrapment of
going nowhere, as they continue speaking in circles, never reaching a place of  
positive resolve. We must always put our own emotional, mental, and physical health
above and beyond the negative forces that intend harm. I became most interested in
keeping my health secure after having a breakdown that effected my entire Being and
threatened to unravel my life. Then and there, I set out to examine where healthy
interests can slowly turn into something lethal, if left without wise personal boundaries.

So, what does Divine Pure Interest look and feel like? This nature depends on a strong
connection with the heart, letting love be your guide, even if it is with respect and love
for yourself first. The mind will clearly submit to what your main personal interests
are, but may side with those feeling of indifference when they pop up, making delay of
reaching important, other, interests; Interests that support the whole; Interests that
can change the world; Interests that expand your vision of the big picture; Interests
that will eventually bring feelings of inner peace and joy; Interests that have been
hiding behind wounded fearful feelings and will, with a bit of interest to mend, will
explode into the truth of who you really are, and what you came here to do.

You are Pure Interest! Let Divine Pure Interest, make the effort!

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‎"Why should there be hunger and deprivation in any land, in any city, at any table, when man has the resources and the scientific know-how to provide all mankind with the basic necessities of life?"
~Martin Luther King, Jr.



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