
Please Read... the FYI Gulf Oil Disaster News & Communication Network Is Calling Out To The World... Please Take Action With Us...

Hello... Christopher Here with the Florida Webcasting Network & the FYI Gulf Oil Disaster News & Communication Network...
Thank You All For Taking The Time To Read This ... Not only do we need all of Florida and the Gulf States to come together in a place of communication, unity, understanding and action.... We Need The World... This is a Global Disaster in the Making... If you have kept up on the progress of the Oil on the FYI Gulf Oil Disaster Network, you would know... It has entered the Atlantic/Gulf Conveyor and there are sightings and reports all the way up to Massachusetts, Next Europe... Acid Rain is falling on many of the Eastern and Southern States, People are getting sick, and the Fish, Cetaceans, Wildlife, The Gulf & Ocean life is dying.... We all, Worldwide, Must Stand Up and Take Action.... Together!

Please join the Network and invite all your friends... Your participation here is urgent... Dr. Tom Termotto with The Concerned Citizens of Florida Group is in direct communication with Florida Governor Charlie Crist, Senator Bill Nelson and Many Other Politicians, Groups and Organizations... PearlJam is Globally Active... The FYI Networks are Globally Active, Rad Fax is Helping From London, Reef Relief is Standing Strong in the Keys, Mote Marine and the Clearwater Marine Labs are on board... The Sanibel Captive Conservation Society is working Hard and So Many More! We The People Of Planet Earth Must Act Now To Save Out Planet and All Living Things... Please join the network and Take Action With Us...
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In Peace, Unity and Action...
Christopher, The FYI Guy

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~Martin Luther King, Jr.



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