
Hi Everyone...
This is a discussion area for us to talk about a woman who was called Peace Pilgrim, and the documentary about her life: Peace Pilgrim: An American Sage who Walked Her Talk. If you haven't watched it yet, I suggest you click on the link and learn about this very passionate and compassionate woman, who dedicated her life to promoting inner, outer, individual and global peace. I'd love to know what you thought about the film.. what you resonated with (or didn't), and what you enjoyed most. Also, if Peace Pilgrim has inspired you in your life, let us know.. how has her example influenced you? What are your favorite quotes from her? What can we all learn from her as individuals and as a global community?

Thank you for being here and I look forward to your thoughts :)


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I was inspired by how fearless she was in her life.How she trusted in spirit to take care of her, and that whatever hardships she encountered along the way, and things most people would consider deprivation,she didn't worry about.I had that attitude in my late teens and early twenties hitchhiking and traveling around the world, but have gotten more addicted to comfort and possessions as I've gotten older.I Peace Pilgrim is an example of how little we really need to be happy when we are living a higher purpose.My higher purpose these days is connecting to sharing my music,and teaching mindfulness and that entails quite a few possessions each time I perform! But I can still be reminded that the source of happiness comes from a deep connection both with spirit and with every human and animal we meet along our way.Do you know about the man Planet Walker? He walked around the world keeping silent, without speaking, for many years, his story is very inspiring too.
Thank you for sharing that, Lynda... I'm also inspired by the trust she had, and the deep connection she felt with the universe, all people, and animals. I love how she saw the spark of good in everyone.. even when it was hidden. Growing this site, recording/sharing music and so on requires me to have some possessions and revenue.. so I can understand what you mean about needing to have certain things to be able to serve your higher purpose. I haven't heard of Planet Walker until now.. but thanks to you I'm about to learn about him :)
This is a book he wrote called Planet Walker, and videos too.
Did you find Planet Walker Yet Yaron? Here is one interview of him.There is a better video somewhere that I previously found
Yes, thank you, Lynda.. did you receive the message sent out earlier today? I contacted him and we're featuring a video he recommended :)
I guess I missed that one, that's great that you contacted him.

Dear Yaron~~~Good WEDNESDAY Morning from MESA, AZ where it has been My great pleasure to see this PEACE PILGRIM video, once again.  Back in July, 2010, I was first introduced to PEACE PILGRIM through this video...& this "Little Ol' LADY AND the SHOES"/Angel of PEACE...immediately found 'synchronicity' with the 'intent' of "WALK a MILE in MY SHOES~~~on the Path to PEACE!!!". 


Fast forward to September, 2011.  As a result of communication with the PEACE PILGRIM Celebration committe in EGG HARBOR CITY, NJ...WAMMS & I have been BLESSED to have had the opportunity to 'honor' PEACE PILGRIM by conducting WAMMS Community SHOEDrives during this years CELEBRATION.  It was My sincere & heartfelt belief that PEACE PILGRIM would 'smile' the mere thought that We would offer a pair of 'gently-loved' SHOES & thereby, encourage a new 'Path of PEACE' to the recipient.   The experience was incredible...the 'lessons' profound...& the opportunity to be present to mingle with 'Friends of PEACE PILGRIM'...a deLIGHT. 


As a result of this first 'collaboration', My heart is overflowing with concepts for the future.  When they are 'manifested'/prepared, I will return to share the GOOD NEWS & perhaps, invite the participation of MYPEACEtv. 


In the meantime, I THANK YOU for posting this video.  I, personally, deLIGHT in the thought that new generations can/will now become aware of PEACE PILGRIM & Her 'simple' message.  "This is the way of PEACE.  Overcome evil with good; falsehood with truth & hatred with LOVE."  Truly, an expression of the Universal Golden Rule. 


NAMASTE, My PEACE-Full Friends.

Whispering~~~in PEACE

Rev. DonnaChristine Park

WALK a MILE in MY SHOES~~~on the Path to PEACE!!!


PS:  I strongly recommend that Folks contact FRIENDS of PEACE PILGRIM to request "Steps Toward Inner Peace".  This tiny

booklet...overflows with truth & encouragement & recognition that PEACE begins within.

Truly inspiring.


‎"Why should there be hunger and deprivation in any land, in any city, at any table, when man has the resources and the scientific know-how to provide all mankind with the basic necessities of life?"
~Martin Luther King, Jr.



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Woke Up Alive, Promises & Peace Pilgrim

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