
NEED Your Help to Get Funding for the Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act

The Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act was passed on July 25, 2006—20 years after Adam Walsh's abduction. The act established a National Sex Offender Registry law, but recent news reports reveal most states will not be in compliance with the law by the upcoming July 2009 deadline.

PLEASE Act Now! We NEED your help!

It's time to bail out our kids. Make your voice heard by imploring your senators and state representatives to comply with Adam's law and give it full funding.

Write to Your Senators and State Representative

If you choose to write a letter, fax, telegram or e-mail, you may use the following sample letter. Feel free to modify it how you see fit.

Dear [Senator/Congressman/or Congresswoman]:

I am sure you share my belief that we must do everything in our power to help protect our children from sexual predators in our communities. That is why I am asking for your help today.

I am extremely concerned about how we track registered sex offenders in our country. According to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, an estimated 100,000 sex offenders are unaccounted for and not living where they are registered. Because law enforcement agencies are too underfunded and overwhelmed to track them, these dangerous predators are free to roam undetected from state to state, targeting and re-offending more innocent children.

The Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act was signed into law in 2006 but recent news reports reveal most states will not be in compliance with the law by the upcoming July deadline. Supporters of the law acknowledge there are adjustments that should be made to the law, but they are adamant, as am I, that the basic purpose and spirit of Adam's act must be upheld. The act calls for a National Sex Offender Registry, which is critical to the safety of our children.

I implore you to reexamine this law with fellow lawmakers, reauthorize it and see that it is fully funded. I realize our country's current economic crisis will not make this charge an easy one, but what could be more urgent and of greater importance than the safety and well-being of our children?

(your name here)

To contact your senator: Go to to find contact information for the senators in your state. Search for your senator by name or state by clicking the arrow from either drop-down menu. Contact information will be provided. To send an e-mail, click on Web Form below his or her name. E-mail your letter to make a difference. Please help save children!

To contact your state representative: Go to and click on Write Your Representative in the upper left-hand corner. Select your state from the drop-down menu, and enter your ZIP code, including the four-digit ZIP code extension. Contact information will be provided. To send an e-mail, click on Send a Message. On the state representative's page, click on E-mail the Congressman/Congresswoman, and e-mail your letter to make a difference. Help Save Children!

Do not let little Adam Walsh die in vain, we cannot let what happened to him happen to any other innocent child. PLEASE speak up and PROTECT our children! We NEED each an every one of you to HELP.

R.I.P. ADAM WALSH Pictures, Images and Photos

After Adam's death, John Walsh became a champion for child safety and crime victims everywhere. As the host of America's Most Wanted, John has helped rescue dozens of missing children and has brought more than 1,000 criminals to justice.

John helped solve crimes for more than 20 years before the case nearest to his heart finally came to a close.

Thanks to Ms.Winfrey and The Oprah Show for bringing this important issue into the mainstream and to all who wrote in for The PROTECT Our Children Act, to be passed into law. Nearly half a million people contacted their senators, and on September 15, 2008, the bill passed. Now, Oprah and John Walsh are asking you to take more action on behalf of the nation's children.

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