
Definitive Spiritual Knowledge Discovered During My Quest for the ULTIMATE SPIRIT

Hi beloved sisters and brothers, I'd like to share with you a website I've created that I think you’d enjoy, much of the information on it is original and it’s all free:


It’s entitled “Definitive Spiritual Knowledge Discovered During My Quest for the ULTIMATE SPIRIT”, and contains pages entitled “United Unimultiversal Spirituality”, “Purpose of Life”, “Spiritual Healing”, and “United Earth”, sections entitled "United Unimultiversal Spirituality Introduction", United Universal Spirituality Chart", “ULTIMATE SPIRIT - Who is, Self-Knowledge, Self-Realization, Who We Really Are, Oneness, the Truth”, “Enlightenment, Liberation, Theory of Everything, Waves, Perpetual and Exponential Growth and Empowerment”, “Oneness”, “Equality”, “Yin and Yang, Receiving and Giving, Peace and Power (Love), Female and Male, and the Middle Way”, “The Omega and the Alpha”, “Return-ULTIMATE SPIRIT-Fall-Separation Rhythm”, “Primordial Void and Unlimited Being, All-Pervasiveness and Almightiness, Zero Amplitude and Infinity Frequency”, “Perpetual Motion”, “Destiny and Free Will”, “Socio-Politico-Economics, Bipartisanship”, "Creation, With Thought", “Spirituality, Philosophy, Math, and Physics”, “Life Energy”, “Macrocosm and Microcosm, Organization by Fineness, the Spiritual Planes/Bodies and Chakras, Heaven and Hell”, “Cosmology”, “The Elements and Theory of Evolution”, “The Human Body”, “Spirituality and Science”, “Intuition”, “Meditation”, “Love”, “Circles”, “The Number 6”, “White and Other Colors”, “Candles”, “‘AH’ and Other Sounds”, “Incense”, “Essential Oils”, “Ideal Diet”, "Entheogens", “Crystals, Gems, and Precious Metals”, “United Earth Declaration”, “United Earth Foundation”, and more.


In oneness,


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‎"Why should there be hunger and deprivation in any land, in any city, at any table, when man has the resources and the scientific know-how to provide all mankind with the basic necessities of life?"
~Martin Luther King, Jr.



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