
What the hell?!!
And why exactly do the Obama's have to jeopardize their security detail to accommodate the freakin' Bush's denial to allow them to stay at The Blair House? WHAT?!! They have to stay at an un-secure public location because the Bush's refuse to let them stay there in DC, in spite of the fact that the Blair House is only being used for a few overnights by an EX- Australian public official.

I am so sorry to vent, but this is completely unacceptable. I've heard little to no buzz about this most insulting situation and I propose putting into law a clause that allows for the next President of the United States to at least have access to the official White House Guest House - Blair House, especially if it means the next First Family is gonna be out in the streets to figure something out on their own.

The Obama's have young children that need to be in their new school THIS WEEK! They can't wait for a 'guest' to vacate. Not to mention the cost! The Secret Service is not set-up for a public location like a Hotel, so now the bill is triple what it would have cost. Haven't we endured enough of the Bush's? Come on!!!!!

The Bush's simply said it was not available until January 15th, but as of today we find that to be untrue (Surprise! More Lies!) and that it is free with the exception of those couple of nights promised to an ex-official. Sheesh!

Do the right thing - Show The First Family some respect - They were at least invited as the result of Winning an election. Imagine that, a fair win for President. Sounds like something I can live with for 4 or 8 more years.

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