
Artist Friends,

This is a alert and call out to you, if you are interested please respond asap. Planet Heart (me) is teaming up with the Vigil for International Peace for a Peace Event in Prospect Park for 11 Days of Global Unity (see

I am looking for interested artists - musicians, poets, dancers, etc. who would like to perform. Musicians get around 10 minutes, and poets around 3-5. see

Please get back to me,

Blessings, Andrew Kaen
Founder, Planet Heart and co-producer


Dear Friends in Peace:

This year the Vigil for International Peace, is becoming bigger and more exciting than ever.
We cordially invite you and your friends to participate at our 7th year event celebration.
This time we will be in the beautiful Prospect Park Bandshell in Brooklyn on Sunday, the 14 th . of September 2008
from 9:00am to 5:00 pm.

The event will feature representatives and leaders from a variety of local, national, and international organizations, children’s choirs, musical and vocal ensembles as well as dancers, poets and renowned international artists.
We would like to make New York a major component in this year’s Peace observation and would greatly appreciate your participation in commemorating the Vigil in a manner of your choosing.

We are proud to be cosponsoring with our international friends and partners from the GPF, Planet Heart and We the World as well as many other organizations.

We count on you and your participation to make this event a harmonious and joyous occasion.
Please confirm your participation and let us know that you are coming.

Please send us a brief description of your performance time frame you intend to present.

For your convenience, please note the following guidelines:
A) Speakers, prayers and poets, please limit time to 1 to 3 minutes only ( we can repeat during the day)
B) A brief description of performance
C) Equipment provided
D) Equipment necessary
E) Transportation needs ( we must coordinate with the special Events coordinators in Prospect Park now)
F) Artists must see site and arrange for set up of their art ( we will provide some police barricades to attach flags, posters and banners)
G) Stage art must be able to be supported by itself or hang easels or panels
H) Please notify all the filming crew and broadcasting persons to contact us immediately
I ) Please sign the waver and disclaimer in order to avoid any confusion
J) Wires and microphones MUST be arranged and coordinated with our stage manager

Greetings and Blessings,
Rev. Susana Bastarrica
C.E.O. Vigil for International Peace

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