
I live in the beautiful high desert in California, near Joshua Springs National Park. This is where these photos were taken. I hope that you enjoy them half as much as I enjoyed taking them!
This is the endangered Joshua tree silhouetted against the sunrise near Joshua Tree National Park.
Starlight Mesa at twilight.
A California Thrasher greets the new day.
A deserted homestead cabin with the sun's fiery morning rays shining through the windows.
This nest of fledgling red-tailed hawks was way up in an old cottonwood tree. Three weeks later the wind blew the old tree down. Hopefully, they survived. They were learning to fly. Glad I was able to get this photo of these wonderful birds.

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Replies to This Discussion

I love all your pictures... my favorite is: A California Thrasher greets the new day. You take awesome photo's!
Thank you Erica! That may be my favorite too. Congrats to you as well! Your photos are also awesome!
Beautiful! Love the hawks :)
Thank you Renate! The hawks were quite a joy to watch. I appreciate your support and your lovely photos as well. Congratulations to you!
Whoa!! Every shot is A-ma-Zing!!! Beautiful captures!!!!
Thank you so much Darren! I really appreciate your encouraging support!
Amazing !
Thank you Filip! Your support is much appreciated!
great shots. Joshua tree is an amazing place.
Thank you so much, MiraCulous! Yes, Joshua Tree is wonderful!
Nice job Judy4Peace....
Thanks Rixar! Beautiful nature forever!


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