
Selling My Blood

I don't know how...

Don't know how...
I can't tell you right now
I wanted to call you
To tell you
To hold you
To tell you
I love you
I wanted to tell you how
Being gone from you
Has been to me
My personal hell
But now the dawn arrived
Dawn has arrived....
The dawn finally came...
Cuz here I am
I am weak
I am tired
But here I am
Here I am...
And there you are
There you are...
So far away
You are
so far away

The last time I called you
To tell you I love you
I called you...
But I didn't know what I would say
And still
I knew what you were going to say
To me
And still I knew what you'd say
When are you going to come see me?
Are you going to come see me today?
Come see me today?
I'll never say...
But I don't know how...
Don't know how....
But still I say I'll come see you anyway
Still I say,
I'll be coming to see you real soon...

But I don't know how...
Don't know how...
I've run out of time
I don't have even the gas
No food in my belly
A slow leak in my tire
No gas in the car
It's been 4 weeks now
How did I ever let it get down to this?
Sell my blood?
Sell my blood...
And still here I am
Still here I aM...
here I am...

I won't ever tell you
But this morning
The morning I sold my blood
The blood I sold
I sold my blood
And it went cold back through me
My  blood ran cold
Right through me
A frozen spear in my arm
But I am coming to see you
I am going to come see you
To see you

I know I could make it right to you

But then I know I won't make it back
So here I am
Still here I am
Here I am
One more day
Then one more day...
One more time
I'll sell my blood
One more time
Then I'll be there by the dawn

I always wanted you to look up to me
Wanted to take care of you
And still
Long ago
I should have been past all of this

I don't have even the gas
No food in my belly
A slow leak in my tire
No gas in the car
It's been 4 weeks now
And still here I am
Still here I am.
here I am.

How did I ever let it get down to this?
A father should be more than that
A father should be more
More than that
I am coming right to you
But I've been delayed
Now I'll come right there to you
I'll be there real soon
With even a slow leak in my tire
I am the one
Who is supposed to be there for you
A father should be more than that
A father should be more
More than that

No more blood to give
No more blood to take
But here I am
Here I am
The dawn arrives
Here you are
I am tired
But here you are
Here you are
I am tired
But here I am
Here you are
I am tired
But here you are
Resting in my bruised arms
In my bruised arms


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Some can take the most ordinary sounds of everyday life, arrange them in just the right order, and you have a masterpiece...a symphony. Others can take simple globs of paint and create breath-taking scenes of beauty. Then there are those who can take the most common of words, place them into just the right sequence, and they can make you cry. That is poetry. That is what this is.


‎"Why should there be hunger and deprivation in any land, in any city, at any table, when man has the resources and the scientific know-how to provide all mankind with the basic necessities of life?"
~Martin Luther King, Jr.



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