
Hi Everyone..

This topic is intended to help us share our greatest visions about human potential and how we want the world to be in the future. It may not always be easy to be optimistic...but let's see how much we can inspire each other. When you envision the grandest possible future for all people, and the world..what does it look like?

Since we are always evolving, your ideas may change, or you may have new visions....

feel free to share more as you grow :)

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Veronica, I can feel your warmth and (y)our vision is strong. If we can only imagine and believe it is possible, we get closer to making it a reality.
Dear Yaron,
Your question is deep and I would submit the following from a fellow Scot who could answer it far more eloquently than anyone I know:-

Then let us pray that come it may
(as come it will for a' that)
That Sense and Worth o'er a' the earth
Shall bear the gree an a' that ! (have the first place)
For a' that an a' that,
It's coming yet for a' that,
That man to man the world o'er
Shall brithers be for a' that.
Robert Burns
Imagine a planet where all are working together in harmony to restore Earth Mother to her intended state of being... a garden of diversity and balance where all appreciate her beauty, gratefully receive her gifts, and honor her balance and wisdom.

Imagine governments working together for the betterment of all humanity, sharing to integrate higher information with new possibilities, and opening doors to universal consciousness.

Imagine the Creative Spirit awakened in all. Imagine a planet free of fear and motivated by LOVE, honoring the divinity of ALL.

This is not a dream. This is who we are.

Thank you for reminding us! My spirit rejoices at the sight of your words and the beautifully powerful energy behind them.
I agree with Mira... Beautiful Carolyn :)
am also envisioning a world in which we've evolved so much so (through the power of love) that all diseases have been cured..... :)
I believe that is possible Yaron. I share that vision with you <3

Most disease comes from a lack of loving ourselves (by not taking care of ourselves) and others. Disease can come from loneliness too and when we are fully loving, sharing and caring, there is no room for disorder.

In hopes of our vision to come true in our lifetime; For all that unfortunately already have disease, we can ease their suffering and maybe even heal them completely by utilizing natural resources that are abundant and may even protect against the growth of these problems for us and future generations. Let's all pray for this and visualize it.
I Love you ALL! I do mean everyone and everything. Do you know what wonderful and spectacular Beings YOU/WE ALL are. I do :)
Lets start at the beginning of physical life. Micro-organisms have the ability to encapsulate themselves for space travel. When they arrive at a newly developing Solar system. They form with all the other debris that starts as a Planet.
The theory is that physical life started as gases. Then the Moon started seperating from the Earth and the gravitational forces and the micro-organisms started developing. As the Moon moves away from the Planet. Physical Life begins growing at a spectacular level and now we have water a moving physical Life form. We know that the tides are affected by the Moon. In the beginning the tides and the forming of the Planet were extremely intense. As the Moon got further away. The Planet started to calm and the beginning of the physical beings began.
Now comes this great Being. The Human. Some Humans begin to start becoming aware of themselves and at first we find excitement in our ability to start developing concepts and putting thoughts together and finding ways to make Life easier For ourselves and other Humans. I truly believed that we worked together to promote one anothers well being. As We gained more intelligence The first Humans to start sharing our new found ways of thought. Were getting older and not so revered and others were coming up with new and better ideas. Then starts jealousy and the older members have to devise new ways of getting the attention back on them. So they have realized something that no one else has. They see that when the clouds are dark blue it is going to rain. Most are aware of this, but remember we are just beginning to develop knowledge. So they tell everyone that it is going to rain and it does. Some are amazed that this person was able to do this. They have now got the attention of the others again and it works for some time. Then the clouds are there he says its going to rainand it does'nt and this happens a few times and now no one listens to them again. One day this person goes to the hills to use his new thinking skills. A fash flood happens and they get out barely. They continue to think of how they can get the power back of being recognized by the others. They come back and see that the village has been destroyed by the flood. He then realizes imagination and tells everyone that he met a being that was all light and that this being told them that this was going to happen. That the being will only show itself to him.
It was that simple. We/You are great Being. EVERY form of knowledge was created and defined by Human Beings. Our anscestors created all the words. Yes Our race has went down the wrong path in the past. Leaders were taught all the wrong things when it comes to unifying the Human race. It is time for us to have faith in ourselves and our great race. If you are reading this you are a part of the Human race. We cannot save the Planet unless we save the Human race. YOU/WE are wonderful Beings capable of so much beauty and creativity. We are ALL creators of OUR own emotional and internal well being. As easy as it was for us to go down the wrong path in OUR beginnings. It is even easier to start going down the right path. You just have to change the way YOU think. I have faith in ALL of US, We are great Beings.

Peace, Love and Happiness for ALL:)
Have Beautiful day and a Smile on the Human Being:) Infinite Love for ALL:)
: )

<3 is the solution. Culture, education and human spirituality must be revitalized. We need to move away from "hard power" and further towards "soft power" as defined by Daisaku Ikeda in his lecture at Harvard University. Our consciousness on this planet needs to elevate itself from the barbaric tendencies we exhibit to a shared commitment to living in peace. Conflict will always exist, but we do not need violence to resolve disagreements. Courageous dialogue is needed. We all need to awaken to the fact that there is a sublime law in the universe that operates on the basis of cause and effect. We are cause generating creatures. Our effects are a direct result of our causes. Our mind is the most powerful cause generating phenomena. Meditation/or prayer train the mind to be optimistic and root out negativity. Your happiness depends on you. The mind is subtle, it takes consistent practice to become "eternally optimistic." This is an energy you must develop daily. With time your happiness becomes indesctructible. Visit
I agree but there is not only one solution.

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‎"Why should there be hunger and deprivation in any land, in any city, at any table, when man has the resources and the scientific know-how to provide all mankind with the basic necessities of life?"
~Martin Luther King, Jr.



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