
Lawrence Wilkerson speaks about Cheney War Crimes

BBC 080107 - Interview US col. Lawrence Wilkerson on (future) US foreign policy
Part 1 of a 3 part interview!
I have located a 2006 documentary from the Australian television show Dateline. This show discusses and may provide context to the newly-rediscovered torture pictures which are making the rounds (judge for yourself whether or not you believe the government's explanation for the photos, or what is being left out).
Before I provide the link for the video, let me remind you:
* Torture doesn't work in providing information which will keep us safe
* Torture actually reduces our national security
* Most of those tortured were innocent
* They were not tortured in order to prevent terrorist attacks, but to create a false justification for the war in Iraq (by creating a false linkage between Iraq and Al Qaeda)
please sign petition to demand first Dick Cheney's prosecution for war crimes

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Location: palm beach, florida (Show Map)


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Comment by al rogers on June 17, 2009 at 10:01am
visit to view an austrailian documentary DATELINE that discusses video and photo graphic evidence of war crimes committed!
Comment by al rogers on June 17, 2009 at 9:41am
call 800 828 0498ASK FOR YOUR CONGRESSMEN demand they begin prosecution now! please visit the website and the other websites listed!

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