
health insurance denied Pre-existing condition excuse

Kristen from Minneapolis, MN talks about being denied health insurance because of a pre-existing condition.
please sign this petition today!

A single payer rep finally testifies to Congress; insurance industry steps up attack on any public plan
What would you think about a health care system that actually works for everybody, costs billions of dollars less, provides greater coverage, truly protects you from financial ruin due to medical bills, improves quality, increases innovation, and returns medical decisions to you and your doctor instead of some claims adjuster at an insurance company 1,000 miles away.
The most important piece of legislation in America today, with nearly 100 cosponsors in the house, H.R.676 is the only health care bill that will truly reform our tragically broken health care system.
202 225 5871 http:/
202 360 4444

31 cents of every health care dollar spent is wasted on administrative expenses and insurer profits in the US system. This is why the US spends double what other industialized nations spend on health care yet has worse outcomes. We need to save that money and spend it on better health care for you, me, and all Americans. Our system is sick and dying, and this is the cure.
call 800 828 0498 congress!

Views: 1209

Location: palmbeach,florida


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Comment by Rixar13 McGinnis on January 30, 2012 at 9:03am

This makes me very angry.... The Richest Country on the Planet yet we don't care for citizens health... Something very wrong with this... sigh

Comment by John "Hai" Knapp on January 29, 2012 at 8:10pm

Pre-existing, Pre-existing, health issues, health issues.

I can't buy insurance, I can't buy insurance, 

what about you? what about you?

---- tune is Frere Jacque (are you sleeping).

Comment by John "Hai" Knapp on January 29, 2012 at 8:06pm

Pre-existing, Pre-existing, health issues, health issues.

I can't buy insurance, I can't buy insurance, 

what about you? what about you?

---- tune is Frere Jacque (are you sleeping).

Comment by John "Hai" Knapp on January 29, 2012 at 8:01pm

Pre-existing, Pre-existing, health issues, health issues.

I can't buy insurance, I can't buy insurance, 

what about you? what about you?

---- tune is Frere Jacque (are you sleeping).

Comment by al rogers on February 18, 2011 at 10:35am
Comment by Dyck Dewid on October 20, 2009 at 4:13pm
Response to Healthcare Reform
Response to Bill HR676 (Single Payer Healthcare)

Although this language appears to be much better than general insurance I would have questions.
1. Does this include rights to choice of any kind of treatment citizens want?
2. If not, who makes the decisions for me? For example, if I use Homeopathy or Chinese Medicine or Herbal or Vitimine Therapy or Visual Imaging, etc... will all of this be covered?
(If any of this is denied then you will be driving legitimate practicitioners out of business. And it would be affecting my decisions by not allowing me to get equitible coverage for the way I choose to maintain my health.)
3. The only solution to reduce healthcare costs is to let each citizen receive and pay for their medical care directly, like it used to be. Managed care was a very bad idea for people and a bonanza for insurance companies. (On the free market both regular and catestrophic insurance would still be available I assume.)
4. To maintain American Citizenship since when is it a requirement that I be "main stream" or to pay for "main stream" practices of my personal healthcare. I have a right to be in this minority. I have a right to equal protection and rights as any minority (not only the defined one's). Monetary coersion is a form of persecution and manipulation when used to deny my abilities to execute my rights, even for the sake of a larger body. For example, a majority of my neighbors do not have the right to kick me out and take over my house because I live differently than they.
Comment by al rogers on September 4, 2009 at 11:23pm

‎"Why should there be hunger and deprivation in any land, in any city, at any table, when man has the resources and the scientific know-how to provide all mankind with the basic necessities of life?"
~Martin Luther King, Jr.



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