
MyPeace.TV Blog Challenge: Co-Create Peace Through Media

I was speaking to a dear friend today.
We were discussing the state of public education, among other things.
I recalled my own education.
I was in the GATE (Gifted and Talented Education) program during my 4th through 6th grade years.
I was encouraged to use my imagination, to think creatively.
My teachers actually laughed at my wise cracks. (sometimes...)
I remember visiting the regular classes and feeling like I was going into a prison.
No laughing, very little creativity, not many smiles (unless the boys were licking their chops because they were waiting to pounce on the vulnerable, smart kids...)
Reflecting on this brought forward an awareness of a dynamic that I recognize in the schools I teach in.
I call it non-creative responsibility versus irresponsible creativity.
In many classrooms I see non-creative responsibility.
This means people are really serious about their responsibilities and not quite sure why they are so serious or what their responsibilities are accomplishing.
On the other hand you have children going home and being exposed to irresponsible creativity.
This comes through the television, internet, and other forms of media.
Here they see people using creative means to sell toxic ideas, or creatively using their unhealed wounds to gain fame and fortune.
When these kids come to school and have to choose between irresponsible creativity or non-creative responsibility, it seems irresponsible creativity is winning out.
I do my best to model and teach responsible creativity.
To honor our infinitely creative spirits and take responsibility for what we create is a powerful combination.
When I say responsibility, I simply mean being willing to respond, peacefully to our own inner spark as well as to those around us who might have questions about what we are creating.
I trust in freedom.
The joy of creating, breeds responsibility to a higher purpose from which that creative spark flows.
Many great artists, of all mediums, have acknowledged the feeling of being a vessel for the works of art that flow through them.
There is a natural reverence that accompanies creativity and nurtures a sense of responsibility.
Tapping into genius is all about responsible creativity.
What could be better than claiming responsibility for the amazing things that flow through our creative minds?

More of my writing on education and life can be found by clicking the following link:

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Views: 22

Comment by Yaron Fishman on October 4, 2009 at 3:03pm
Edward...Thank you for taking part in this blog challenge! I love what you wrote here and I agree with you about the concept of Responsible Creativity ... I'd like to see this implemented more in our schools. Looking forward to learning more from you.. thanks again!
Comment by Pennylane on October 5, 2009 at 5:05pm
Oh, WOW that is beautiful.
Comment by Paulette Meier on November 23, 2009 at 5:43pm
This is an interesting set of ideas; I like the terms and concepts you juxtapose. I work as an instructional assistant now, and am always frustrated at how little joy in the learning process happens in the elementary classrooms I work in. In part it's due to the constant concern teachers have about "teaching to the test." Most of the time kids are just doing worksheets that contain the kinds of questions that they'll get on the state tests. But as someone with an extensive background in social - emotional learning, I see that not only is the learning not that much fun, but it does not speak to the real needs of children in their lives. The teacher I work with does let me teach the children peacemaking concepts once a week, and I include skits and songs at that time to reinforce, engage, and help them remember the concepts. A few years ago I put out a a CD of some of my songs, based on my work as a peace educator in schools (Come Join the Circle: LessonSongs for Peacemaking) and I've received much feedback over how much children like singing them. The students I have this year are so responsive to this kind of learning! But I couldn't agree with you more about the role that media plays in causing children to act not only in irresponsible ways, but also in harmful ways. They are saturated by media, where people's creative gifts are used to market consumer goods and to produce shows that dumb down and show only violent ways to deal with conflict. Really, they are exposed to death and dying with every TV channel click! How can we ever hope to have a peaceable society when our children have seen so few examples of how to use their natural creativity to build positive relationships?

I'd love to know of national organizations that are working to shift the orientation of media outlets (including the nightly news!) away from violence and towards non-violent creative conflict resolution and more connection with the natural world!


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