"Why should there be hunger and deprivation in any land, in any city, at any table, when man has the resources and the scientific know-how to provide all mankind with the basic necessities of life?"
~Martin Luther King, Jr.
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Corporations through their 40,000 lobbyists now dictate domestic policy and Foreign Policy. The insurance industry spending more than 1.4 million dollars a day Dictated how the Affordable act was written, The Military industrial complex dictated our foreign policy when Intel was invented and we invaded Iraq killed and displaced millions of Iraq citizens. The Oil industry dictates Energy policy. The Banking industry since 1998 spent more than 9 Billion Dollars Lobbying Congress. In 2013 in only one year they received more than 83 billion in tax subsidies Call congress 888 531 5993 http://mypeace.tv/video/senior-hunger-senator-sanders-vs-clueless-senator-paul http://mypeace.tv/video/fight-back-against-the-oligarchs-senator-bernie-sanders http://mypeace.tv/video/right-wing-healthcare-expert-gets-slammed-by-congressmen-kucinich http://mypeace.tv/video/senate-republicans-block-veterans-bill-s-1982-senator-sanders